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National Policies
Février, 2015

The Uganda National Land Policy (NLP) Implementation Action Plan is a deliberate resolution by the Government of Uganda to address major challenges that have hindered the implementation of land reforms, thereby impeding the optimal utilisation of land for socio-economic development and transformation. Although successive post-independence governments have made numerous efforts to streamline land governance and reconfigure the role of land in national development, the majority of these efforts have failed to address underlying issues and have thus remained unimplemented to date.


Conference Papers & Reports
Février, 2015

This paper was prepared for presentation at the “2015 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty” in Washington DC last March 23-27, 2015 by Violeta P. Corral of the National Confederation of Small Farmers and Fishers Organizations (PAKISAMA), Philippines.

The Gender Evaluation Criteria (GEC) project was jointly implemented by PAKISAMA and Asian Farmers Association (AFA), support by the International Land Coalition (ILC).

Take anything, leave our land

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2015

The Karamoja region in Northeastern Uganda, covering an area of 27,200 square kilometers, is inhabited by around 1.2 million people who live in seven districts; Moroto, Nakapiripirit, Napak, Amudat, Abim, Kotido and Kaabong. Its residents are mainly Ngakarimojong speaking peoples, but the area is also home to the Ethur, Labwor, Pokot, and indigenous minorities such as the Tepes and the Ik.

Agriculturas campesinas en Latinoamérica. Propuestas y desafíos

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2015
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

Agriculturas campesinas en Latinoamérica. Propuestas y desafíos es la publicación que recoge las ponencias del debate efectuado en La Paz, Bolivia, en 2013, en el marco del seminario internacional promovido el Consejo Latinamericanao de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO).
El capítulo II Agriculturas campesinas en Latinoamérica contiene el texto elaborado por Oscar Bazoberry Chali, Coordinador General del Instituto para el Desarrollo Rural de Sudamérica (IPDRS), el documento lleva el título Procesos de integración regional y propuestas para las agriculturas campesinas.  

Land Tenure and Gender : Approaches and Challenges for Strengthening Rural Women's Land Rights

Décembre, 2014

Land tenure security is crucial for
women's empowerment and a prerequisite for building
secure and resilient communities. Tenure is affected by many
and often contradictory sets of rules, laws, customs,
traditions, and perceptions. For most rural women, land
tenure is complicated, with access and ownership often
layered with barriers present in their daily realities:
discriminatory social dynamics and strata, unresponsive

Experience and results of agrarian reforms in China and Russia

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014
Fédération de Russie

Detailed comparative analysis of basic lines of agrarian transformations in China and Russia has been done, its results have been analysed. Not only conceptual differences of the agrarian policy in those countries are demonstrated, but also consequences of concrete political decisions for the development of the branch. The differences are stipulated mainly by two groups of factors. The first of them is the opposite approaches to transforming land relations and the entire system of agrarian relations.

La construcción y práctica de discursos sobre comunidad campesina y buen vivir en Chismaute (Chimborazo).

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2014

La presente investigación pretendió; a) analizar prácticas comunitarias campesinas desde las estrategias de producción y reproducción de familias de Chismaute (Chimborazo); b) explicar las representaciones de comunidad campesina que se construye y reconstruye en los discursos estatales del Buen Vivir; y c) analizar el entramado de poder al interior de la red ampliada de parentesco en la comunidad de Chismaute (Chimborazo).

Aproximación general a la acción de extinción del dominio en Colombia

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014

Colombia ha sido un país inmerso en una constante y tenaz lucha para superar un estado de violencia endémico generado por numerosos actores, entre ellos el narcotráfico y el enriquecimiento ilícito. Con el propósito de hacer frente a estos problemas, el constituyente colombiano consagró la figura de la extinción de dominio como herramienta jurídica de lucha contra el enriquecimiento ilícito, así como la violencia y pobreza que dicho fenómeno trae consigo.

The Voluntary Guidelines on the Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests in the context of National Food Security (VGGT) and the Proposed National Land Use and Management Act (NLUA)

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre, 2014

This issue brief is an abridged version of the VGGT discussion paper, “The Voluntary Guidelines on the Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests in the context of National Food Security (VGGT) and the Proposed National Land Use and Management Act (NLUA)” that analyzes to what extent the salient principles and recommendations of the VGGT are substantially reflected in the National Land Use Act/NLUA (House Bill 108).