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Gender relations and water management in different eco-cultural contexts in northern Thailand

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015

This paper assessed water management by households from three ethnic groups in two contrasting ecological settings (upland and lowland) in the Upper Ping River Basin in Northern Thailand. Important gender differences in the use and management of water were identified. Women are major users of water for agriculture in the uplands, but less so in the lowlands. In the lowlands irrigation is viewed as a masculine activity. In the uplands the role of women is more widely accepted, with women frequently being members of water user groups.

Reforma agrară: concept şi realităţi

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015

The study "Land reform: concept and achievements" the authors Simion Certan and Ion Certan meditate on achieving conception of agrarian reform and social - economic development of the village in Moldova, approved on 15 February 1991 in the Parliament Decision no. 510-a-XII. According to The concept Moldovan government was suposed to make the "land reform, management reform and economic relations agroindustrial complex, providing material, technical and scientific assistance and staffing agro-industrial complex, will help develop social-economic development of the village".

Who Is Mama Ardhi?

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre, 2015

While the guarantees provided in the Katiba mark an extraordinary achievement for women’s land rights, many more steps are needed to reach gender-equitable land ownership in Tanzania. Mama Ardhi members therefore continue to advocate for additional changes in policy and practice that will bring about real transformation for women, their children and society as a whole. 

Making Wildlife Management Areas Deliver for Conservation and Communities

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre, 2015

Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) have the potential to benefit both people and wildlife in Tanzania. But are Tanzanian communities earning enough from WMAs to want to protect the wildlife that live on their land? This policy brief addresses this question by examining two WMAs in the Tarangire ecosystem and looking at their performance and revenue streams. This reveals that while communities are earning some income, the WMAs do not yet have enough funds to cover management and wildlife protection costs.

Land tenure journal 2015/01 - Revue des questions foncières 2015/01

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2015
Burkina Faso
Europe orientale

This edition of the Land Tenure Journal features a selection of articles from Central and Eastern Europe to Francophone and Anglophone West Africa, through East Africa and back to Northern Europe. The focus of the topics spans land consolidation approaches in Europe, experiences of land colonization and an overview of tenure reforms in Burkina Faso, post-conflict land policy in Liberia, land reform in Malawi, and community commons in Norway.

Acceso a la tierra de los ex huasipungueros en la hacienda "Carpuela", en el valle del Chota.

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2015

El propo?sito del presente estudio de investigacio?n es abordar como fue el acceso a la tierra de los ex huasipungueros en la hacienda Carpuela en el Valle del Chota, parroquia Ambuqui?, canto?n Ibarra, Provincia de Imbabura, quienes fortalecieron la organizacio?n comunitaria, apoya?ndose en la Ley de Reforma Agraria, ejecutada por el Instituto Ecuatoriano de Reforma Agraria y Colonizacio?n de 1964 y la de 1973 que continuo.

Ñucanchi Llacta: de vuelta a la tierra

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2015

El siguiente estudio da cuenta del caso de la Asociación de Productores “Ñucanchi LLacta” que emprendió la estrategia de retornar a la tierra en año 2008. Este modelo inspirador de lucha por la tierra, nos cuenta la fortaleza de 11 familias lideradas por mujeres, que un día decidieron “voltear a mirar sus chacras”, recuperar las prácticas de cultivo ancestral y organizar la producción familiar.

Learning exchange on linking social protection with food security and agriculture-based livelihoods in Southern Africa

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2015
Afrique australe

The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with the Southern Africa Food Lab (SAFL) and Reos Partners organised a learning exchange aimed to deepening the understanding on the linkages between agriculture and social protection, focusing on lessons and experiences from southern Africa. The purpose of this learning exchange was to facilitate sharing and compiling of lessons learned in the design, implementation and institutional arrangements of linkages between social protection, food security and agricultural-based livelihoods, including good practice

Developing a Land Conflict Monitoring and Mapping Tool for the Acholi Sub-Region of Northern Uganda

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2015

Well before the effective ending of the protracted Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA)

insurgency in northern Uganda in July 2006, and at a time when the entire rural

population was displaced into camps, concerns had emerged around land, in particular

in the Acholi sub-region, where the war had been most intense and longest lasting

(Adoko & Levine 2004). Through forced displacement, almost all rural Acholi

families has been prevented from occupying their land for many years, years in which

Tierra: fragmantación y poder. Tranformaciones en la política de tierras y redistribución agraria. Una visión desde las redes de política pública.

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2015

La tenencia de la tierra productiva se ha localizado, de manera histórica, en el eje de la conflictividad entre los sectores vinculados al agro. Las reformas agrarias de las que ha sido partícipe el Ecuador, no han logrado cambiar las estructuras de desigualdad en la distribución de la tierra de manera significativa, mientras que en la actualidad nos situamos en un panorama de incertidumbre frente a la acción estatal y de los colectivos involucrados.