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Romania - Functional Review : Agriculture and Rural Development Administration

Février, 2013

This report presents the outcomes of the
functional review of Romania's agricultural
administration. Given the sectoral and territorial relevance
of its regulatory domain, Romania s Agricultural and Rural
Development Administration is a key administrative body
undergoing this Functional Review. The review will examine
whether the policy goals and objectives of the Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) and its agencies

Burkina Faso - Promoting Growth, Competitiveness and Diversification : Country Economic Memorandum, Volume 2. Sources of Growth - Key Sectors for Tomorrow

Février, 2013

The main conclusion of Country Economic
Memorandum is that the previous model of extensive growth
has now exhausted its potential and must be renewed. Given
the existing population dynamics, low environmental
tolerance due to its Sahelian climate and competition forces
imposed due to its open economy, Burkina Faso is heavily
investing in growth based on increased productivity to
overcome its low level of initial human capital, capacity

Domestic Terms of Trade in Pakistan : Implications for Agricultural Pricing and Taxation Policies

Février, 2013

In 2008 the Government of Pakistan
agreed with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to
increase the tax/Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratio by 3.5
percentage points over the medium term. This commitment has
rekindled the debate regarding the agricultural income tax.
Advocates of an agricultural income tax argue that the
sector remains protected by political interests, while
opponents to such a tax maintain that agriculture is already

Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change : Ethiopia

Février, 2013

The report is part of a broader study,
the Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change (EACC), which
has two objectives: (a) to develop a global estimate of
adaptation costs for informing international climate
negotiations; and (b) to help decision makers in developing
countries assess the risks posed by climate change and
design national strategies for adapting to it. This paper is
one of a series of country-level studies, where national

Priorities for Sustainable Growth : A Strategy for Agriculture Sector Development in Tajikistan, Technical Annex 5. Agriculture Growth Decomposition

Février, 2013

Agriculture sector growth has made a
powerful contribution to post-war economic recovery in
Tajikistan, accounting for approximately one third of
overall economic growth from 1998 to 2004. Sector output
increased by 65 percent in real terms during this period,
and has now returned to the level extant at independence in
1990. Total Factor Productivity (TFP) has also increased, by
3 percent per year. Despite this progress, there is

Uruguay : Family Agriculture Development

Février, 2013

The bank has a long relationship with
Uruguay's agricultural sector, expanding over a period
of more than 60 years in which several projects and various
analytical and advisory assistance initiatives have been
implemented. The main purposes of the present report are: a)
to analyze the main characteristics of family agriculture as
well as its development potential and constraints; b) to
examine Uruguay's current agricultural policy and

Bangladesh - Policies for Mainstreaming Strategic Environmental Assessment in the Urban Development of Greater Dhaka

Février, 2013

This policy note focuses on analyzing
critical institutional and planning issues affecting
Dhaka's Metropolitan Area, and suggests policy
recommendations for introducing sound urban environmental
planning to improve the quality of life by mitigating and
reversing environmental degradation. The report concludes
with urgent recommended actions to address gaps in urban
planning and environmental management that focus on

Lebanon Agriculture Sector Note : Aligning Public Expenditures with Comparative Advantage

Février, 2013

Agriculture is a small but stable part
of the Lebanese economy. Approximately 20 to 25 percent of
Lebanon's active population is involved in the sector
in one way or another. This note is a synthesis of previous
work written on agriculture development in Lebanon and
related public expenditures in the sector. It starts with an
overview of the agriculture sector in Lebanon and its role
and contribution to the economy. Approximately eight percent

Rethinking Forest Partnerships and Benefit Sharing : Insights on Factors and Context that Make Collaborative Arrangements Work for Communities and Landowners

Février, 2013

Forest-sector collaborative arrangements
come in many forms. The local partner may be a community, an
association, or a set of individual landholders. The outside
partner may be a private organization or a government. The
interest of the local partner may be production of income
from the forest, security of access to land, increased labor
or small business opportunities, protection of traditionally
valued resources, or other values. The interest of the

Mission Note Bangladesh, March 15-31, 2009

Février, 2013

The Government of Bangladesh has
requested the World Bank to provide further assistance to
the livestock and dairy sectors. During a mission of the
Sector Manager of Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) of
the South Asia region of the World Bank to Bangladesh in
November 2008, the Secretary of the Ministry of Livestock
and Fisheries (MOFL) of the former Caretaker Government of
Bangladesh (BD) requested the Sector Manager for assistance

Policy Note : Environmental Management for a Sustainable Economic Development Strategy for Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

Février, 2013

This policy note, Environmental
Management for a Sustainable Economic Development Strategy
for Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, investigates six environmental
management topics which will affect the capacity of the
province to develop the economy and need to be underpinned
by strong environmental and natural resource management. The
six topics cover: agriculture, forestry, fisheries, land and
water, environmental law and regulations, and spatial

Building Response Strategies to Climate Change in Agricultural Systems in Latin America

Février, 2013

This report, Building Response
Strategies to Climate Change in Agricultural Systems in
Latin America, reports the results of action research to
identify and prioritize stakeholder driven, locally relevant
response options to climate change in Latin American
agriculture. The study has three primary objectives. The
first is to develop and apply a pilot methodology for
assessing agricultural vulnerability to climate change and