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Rapport spécial 13/2020: Biodiversité des terres agricoles: la contribution de la PAC n´a pas permis d´enrayer le déclin

Reports & Research
Mai, 2020


En Europe, l'abondance et la variété des espèces animales présentes sur les terres agricoles – la «biodiversité des terres agricoles» – connaissent un déclin marqué. L'UE s'était pourtant engagée à enrayer la perte de biodiversité d'ici 2020. À cet effet, la Commission a prévu d'allouer 66 milliards d'euros au titre de la politique agricole commune entre 2014 et 2020.

Does social capital matter in climate change adaptation? A lesson from agricultural sector in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Peer-reviewed publication
Mai, 2020

Climate change increases the vulnerability of agricultural sector due to the increasing threat from pest attacks. Mitigation of a threat that results from climate change requires adaptation strategies. This study investigates farmers’ willingness to participate in the process of climate change adaptation in Yogyakarta, Indonesia; particularly in facing the increasing risk of pest attacks. Using a logistic regression model, we tested the impacts of social capital on farmers’ willingness to participate.

Adoption and diffusion of improved technologies and production practices in agriculture: Insights from a donor-led intervention in Nepal

Peer-reviewed publication
Mai, 2020

Adoptions of improved technologies and production practices are important drivers of agricultural development in low-income countries like Nepal. Adopting a broad class of such technologies and practices is often critical for meeting the multifaceted goals of efficiency, profitability, environmental sustainability, and climate resilience.

Farming systems and Conservation Agriculture: Technology, structures and agency in Malawi

Peer-reviewed publication
Mai, 2020
Afrique sub-saharienne

Conservation Agriculture (CA) is advocated as an agricultural innovation that will improve smallholder famer resilience to future climate change. Under the conditions presented by the El Niño event of 2015/16, the implementation of CA was examined in southern Malawi at household, district and national institutional levels. Agricultural system constraints experienced by farming households are identified, and in response the technologies, structures and agency associated with CA are evaluated.

Out of the Cauldron, Into the Fire?

Reports & Research
Mai, 2020

Ulster University and the Uzbek Forum for Human Rights has released the first sector wide study on corporate integrity in Uzbekistan.

The report and associated policy brief focus on the cotton cluster system, a landmark privatisation initiative designed to improve agro-industrial productivity, and address the structural drivers of systematic forced labour in Uzbekistan. State-organised forced labour regimes in Uzbekistan’s cotton sector have attracted significant domestic and international criticism over the past decade.

Key Roles for Landscape Ecology in Transformative Agriculture Using Aotearoa—New Zealand as a Case Example

Peer-reviewed publication
Mai, 2020
New Zealand

Aotearoa—New Zealand (NZ) is internationally renowned for picturesque landscapes and agricultural products. Agricultural intensification has been economically beneficial to NZ but has implications for its clean green image. Contaminated waterways, high carbon emissions, and extensive soil erosion demonstrate the downside of high stocking rates and land clearing. Transformative farming systems are required to address the challenge of balancing production with the environment.

Anthropogenic Biomes: 10,000 BCE to 2015 CE

Peer-reviewed publication
Mai, 2020

Human populations and their use of land have reshaped landscapes for thousands of years, creating the anthropogenic biomes (anthromes) that now cover most of the terrestrial biosphere. Here we introduce the first global reconstruction and mapping of anthromes and their changes across the 12,000-year interval from 10,000 BCE to 2015 CE; the Anthromes 12K dataset.

Landscape Planning for an Agricultural Research Center: A Research-by-Design Case Study in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Peer-reviewed publication
Mai, 2020

Effective planning at the landscape scale is a difficult but crucial task. Modern landscape planning requires economic success, ecological resilience, and environmental justice. Thus, planners and designers must learn to use a deliberative approach in planning: an approach in which decisions are made with the common understanding of stakeholders. This notwithstanding, there is a lack of localized and site-specific design examples for deliberative planning. One of the lacking examples is agricultural research station, which is unique because it balances economic, academic, and public uses.

Relations between Land Tenure Security and Agricultural Productivity: Exploring the Effect of Land Registration

Peer-reviewed publication
Mai, 2020

This paper reviews the scholarly literature discussing the effect(s) of land registration on the relations between land tenure security and agricultural productivity. Using 85 studies, the paper focuses on the regular claim that land registration’s facilitation of formal documents-based land dealings leads to investment in a more productive agriculture. The paper shows that this claim is problematic for three reasons. First, most studies offer no empirical evidence to support the claim on the above-mentioned effect.


Reports & Research
Avril, 2020

Surge una preocupación por los impactos del COVID-19 en las agriculturas familiares campesinas. Sus relatos sostienen que no han recibido la ayuda humanitaria suficiente o el apoyo estatal acorde a la importancia de sus actividades. Esto agrava su situación de vulnerabilidad poniendo en riesgo su salud y vida. Sin duda, las medidas sanitarias implementadas para evitar la propagación del virus tienen consecuencias directas sobre el funcionamiento de los sistemas agroalimentarios y quienes lo sostienen: las familias campesinas e indígenas del país.

Rural Land Utilization and Commercial Agriculture among Female arable Crop Farmers in South West Nigeria

Peer-reviewed publication
Avril, 2020
Terres australes et antarctiques françaises

Utilization of agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes poses a threat to food production and agriculture commercialization. Hence, this study examined Rural Land Utilization and Commercial Agriculture among Female arable Crop Farmers in South West Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used to collect primary data through questionnaire administration. Findings shows that 71.62% of the women had land market index of 0, indicating that they obtained their land through non-transaction based method and 28.38% acquired their land through transaction based method.

Land Inequality Trends and Drivers

Peer-reviewed publication
Avril, 2020

Land related inequality is a central component of the wider inequality that is one of the burning issues of our society today. It affects us all and directly determines the quality of life for billions of people who depend on land and related resources for their livelihoods. This paper explores land inequality based on a wide scoping of available information and identifies the main trends and their drivers. A wider conceptualization of what constitutes land inequality is suggested in response to shifts in how power is concentrated within the agri-food system.