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Maize production under combined conservation agriculture and integrated soil fertility management in the sub-humid and semi-arid regions of Kenya

Décembre, 2019

Crop production in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is constrained by rainfall variability and declining soil fertility. This has over time led to a decrease in crop yield, among them also maize. This decrease is also experienced in the sub-humid and semi-arid locations of Kenya. Among the commonly used soil and water management practices in SSA are Conservation Agriculture (CA) and integrated soil fertility management (ISFM). Crop response to these management practices is influenced by the existence of soil fertility gradients which are common among smallholder farmers.

CTA Project Completion Report: Brussels Briefings

Décembre, 2019

Organised by CTA, the European Commission (EC), the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States and Concord, the Brussels Development Policy Briefings have been a flagship initiative providing an inclusive policy dialogue forum for 13 years, focusing on the most critical issues facing agriculture and rural development in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific countries. The Briefings offered a structured mechanism for the exchange of information and experience among representatives of the development community in Brussels.

Participatory climate risk mapping: Building local adaptation capacities. A case from Ivisan , Capiz , Philippines

Décembre, 2019

The report discussed how the local government unit in Ivisan municipality, Capiz, Philippines coped with, mitigated, and prepared for climate related risks in the livelihood and agri fisheries sector. The goal of the research was to produce Climate Related Risk Maps and Adaptation Plans in agriculture (Climate Smart MAP/CS MAP) for the 15 villages of Ivisan. The maps will assist in decision making and planning for risks, in normal and severe years, on a long term basis.

Creating climate-smart multi-functional landscapes through integrated soil, land and water management practices and contextualized agroadvisory services at different scales in Ethiopia

Décembre, 2019

Experiences show that integrating restoration efforts at landscape level need to be coupled with intensification efforts at farm/plot level to promote synergy and attain multiple benefits. The approaches followed in the creation of multifunctional landscapes are designed to enable achieving this goal. This report presents project activities and outputs related to approaches, implementation modalities and evidence generation exercises from ‘learning’ and upscaling sites.

Occurrence of plant-parasitic nematodes on enset (Ensete ventricosum) in Ethiopia with focus on Pratylenchus goodeyi as a key species of the crop

Décembre, 2019

Enset (Ensete ventricosum) is an important starch staple crop, cultivated primarily in south and southwestern Ethiopia. Enset is the main crop of a sustainable indigenous African system that ensures food security in a country that is food deficient. Related to the banana family, enset is similarly affected by plant-parasitic nematodes. Plant-parasitic nematodes impose a huge constraint on agriculture. The distribution, population density and incidence of plant-parasitic nematodes of enset was determined during August 2018.

Translating complex climate science into practical agro-climate advisories for 13-15 million smallholder farmers in Ethiopia

Décembre, 2019

Creation of Ethiopia’s digital agro-climate advisory platform, a collaborative partnership between government institutions and CGIAR centers, represents a breakthrough in providing climate-information and timely decision-support tools to smallholder farmers to strengthen adaptive capacity and resilience. Partnership between Ministry of Agriculture and EDACaP team with Ethiopia’s FANA Broadcasting Corporate led to dissemination of agro-climate messages to 13-15 million smallholder farmers across FANA’s 11 regional broadcasting centers in Ethiopia.

Rapid analysis of country-level mitigation potential from agriculture, forestry and other land uses in Mexico

Décembre, 2019

Total mitigation potential from the AFOLU sector was the highest in Chiapas (~13 Mt CO2eq) followed by Campeche (~ 8 Mt CO2eq).

11 states (i.e. Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, Yucatan, Jalisco, Sonora, Veracruz, Durango, Chihuahua, Puebla, Michoacán and Guerrero) had a total AFOLU mitigation potential between 2.5 to 6.5 Mt CO2eq, other states had AFOLU mitigation potentials of less than 2 Mt CO2eq.

Compendium of Climate-smart Agriculture Technologies and Practices

Décembre, 2019

Nepal is a vulnerable country to the impacts of climate change. The adverse effects of climate change have decreased agricultural production and productivity. Therefore, technologies and strategies to develop resilience agriculture and increased agriculture productivity are urgently needed to create climate-smart technologies and help the existing technologies to adapt to climate change.

Gender and impact of climate change adaptation on soybean farmers' revenue in rural Togo, west Africa

Décembre, 2019

This study assesses the impact of climate change (CC) adaptation on farm-level revenue among 500 soybean farmers randomly selected in three districts in Togo using endogenous switching regression method. The survey results indicate that only 40.37% of the women have adapted to CC against 59.62% of the men. Moreover, being member of farmer-based organization (FBO), access to credit and extension services, agricultural training of women are the main factors that increase the likelihood of adaptation.

Soil health and ecosystem services: Lessons from sub-Sahara Africa (SSA)

Décembre, 2019

Management practices to improve soil health influence several ecosystem services including regulation of water
flows, changes in soil biodiversity and greenhouse gases that are important at local, regional and global levels.
Unfortunately, the primary focus in soil health management over the years has been increasing crop productivity
and to some extent the associated economics and use efficiencies of inputs. There are now efforts to study the

Wild food plants and trends in their use: from knowledge and perceptions to drivers of change in West Sumatra, Indonesia

Décembre, 2019

Wild food plants (WFPs) are often highly nutritious but under-consumed at the same time. This study aimed to document the diversity of WFPs, and assess perceptions, attitudes, and drivers of change in their consumption among Minangkabau and Mandailing women farmers in West Sumatra. We applied a mixed-method approach consisting of interviews with 200 women and focus group discussions with 68 participants. The study documented 106 WFPs (85 species), and Minangkabau were found to steward richer traditional knowledge than Mandailing.

Monitoring and prediction of pasture quality and productivity using planet scope satellite data for sustainable livestock production systems in Colombia

Décembre, 2019

As the population increases, demand for food increases too, which has led to large-scale land conversion to improve livestock production in Colombia. Fulfilling these criteria of increasing demand in a sustainable way is a challenge and remote sensing data provides an accurate method to support this task. In this study, Planet Scope multispectral satellite datasets and coincident field measurements acquired over test fields in the study area (Patía) of September 2018 was used.