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Enhancing Carbon Stocks and Reducing CO2 Emissions in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Projects

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Manuals & Guidelines
Février, 2012

There is global interest in promoting mitigation and adaptation in agriculture, forest, and other land-use (AFOLU) sectors to address the twin goals of climate change and sustainable development. This guideline deals with how to enhance carbon stocks in general in all land-based projects and its specific relationship with agriculture productivity. It outlines specific steps and procedures that need to be followed by project proponents and managers of land-based projects to enhance carbon stocks synergistically with increasing crop productivity.

Producción y ambiente en la Meseta Central de Santa Cruz, Patagonia austral en Argentina: desencadenantes e impacto de la desertificación*

Journal Articles & Books
Janvier, 2012

El artículo tiene el objetivo de exponer la situación socioambiental actual y su vínculo con las prácticas sociales de producción propias del sistema productivo ovino extensivo en Santa Cruz, Patagonia austral, Argentina. El emergente más significativo que se puede apreciar actualmente es la desertificación y su impacto en los diferentes niveles del sistema socioproductivo.

Rangelands Observatory

Training Resources & Tools
Janvier, 2012

The Rangelands Observatory

The International Land Coalition (ILC) believes that a fair and effective monitoring of ongoing conversion and fragmentation of rangeland ecosystems is needed in order to provide a thorough understanding of the trends and their implications – and also to enhance informed and participatory decision making on land use and investments in rangelands, and on the trade-offs involved.

To this aim, a Rangeland Observatory (RO) project has been established.

Rangelands Observatory

Training Resources & Tools
Janvier, 2012

The Rangelands Observatory - The International Land Coalition (ILC) believes that a fair and effective monitoring of ongoing conversion and fragmentation of rangeland ecosystems is needed in order to provide a thorough understanding of the trends and their implications – and also to enhance informed and participatory decision making on land use and investments in rangelands, and on the trade-offs involved.

To this aim, a Rangeland Observatory (RO) project has been established.

Observatoire des Terres des Parcours

Training Resources & Tools
Janvier, 2012

Invitation a participer à l’Observatoire des Terres des Parcours, pour promouvoir une prise de décisions avisée et participative sur les utilisations des terres et les investissements dans les parcours – A promouvoir et a faire circuler a travers vos membres dans la région !

L’Observatoire des Terres des Parcours

Desertification: a visual synthesis

Manuals & Guidelines
Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

This book is intended as a basic information kit that tells “the story” of desertification, land degradation and drought at the global scale, together with a comprehensive set of graphics. The book indicates trends as they have taken place over the last decades, combining and connecting issues, and present priorities.

Desertification: une synthèse visuelle

Manuals & Guidelines
Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

Ce livre constitue un ensemble d’informations de base sur la désertification, la dégradation des terres et la sécheresse à l’échelle mondiale, accompagnées d’une série de graphiques. Celui-ci présente les évolutions ayant eu lieu au cours des dernières décennies, en associant les questions et les priorités actuelles.

Desertificación: una síntesis visual

Manuals & Guidelines
Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

Este libro tiene como objetivo ser un manual informativo en el que se cuenta “la historia” de la desertificación, la degradación de las tierras y la sequía a escala global acompañado por una completa serie de gráficos. Este libro muestra tendencias que han tenido lugar a lo largo de las últimas décadas, combinando y conectando temas y presentando prioridades.

Desertification: a visual synthesis

Manuals & Guidelines
Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

This book is intended as a basic information kit that tells “the story” of desertification, land degradation and drought at the global scale, together with a comprehensive set of graphics. The book indicates trends as they have taken place over the last decades, combining and connecting issues, and present priorities.

Desertification: a visual synthesis

Manuals & Guidelines
Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

This book is intended as a basic information kit that tells “the story” of desertification, land degradation and drought at the global scale, together with a comprehensive set of graphics. The book indicates trends as they have taken place over the last decades, combining and connecting issues, and present priorities.

Desertification: a visual synthesis

Manuals & Guidelines
Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

This book is intended as a basic information kit that tells “the story” of desertification, land degradation and drought at the global scale, together with a comprehensive set of graphics. The book indicates trends as they have taken place over the last decades, combining and connecting issues, and present priorities.

The Rio Conventions: Action on Adaptation

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2011

The earth’s climate is changing at a rate unprecedented in recent human history and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. The impacts and risks associated with this are global, geographically diverse and increasingly being felt across a range of systems and sectors essential for human livelihoods and well-being. The more severe and far-reaching the impacts of climate change are, the greater the loss of species will be, and the greater the deterioration of drylands and the risk of desertification and land degradation around the world will be.