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Tailored, climate-informed and location-specific agro-advisory services in the highlands of Ethiopia increased smallholder farmers’ wheat grain yields and profitability

Décembre, 2022

A location-specific, tailored, season-smart agro-advisory decision support tool (DST) in the Highlands of Ethiopia increased wheat yields of smallholder farmers by up to 25% with an average partial profitability of USD 600 per ha per season. The data-driven DST was developed by integrating over 25,000 crop responses to fertilizer application datasets and corresponding biophysical co-variants, using machine learning algorithms. Currently, the DST is being piloted across the highlands of Ethiopia. Documented here, as part of INIT EIA Excellence in Agronomy.

An estimated 11,000 rice and cassava farmers in Cambodia are using agricultural advisories based on the seasonal forecast with support of Local Technical Agro-climatic Committees

Décembre, 2022

An estimated 11,000 rice and cassava farmers from 23 Agri-cooperatives
in Battambang and Kampong Speu provinces used the agroclimatic
advisories in their planning and decision-making for better risk
management. DeRISK SE Asia introduced the Local Technical
Agroclimatic Committee (LTAC) approach in Cambodia to co-develop
seasonal agroclimatic advisories based on seasonal forecasts with
different type of stakeholders in two target provinces. The advisories
were disseminated through multiple channels, including printed

Climate Risk Management for Agriculture Extension Curriculum Consultative Workshop in Ghana

Décembre, 2022

The Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project aims to enhance access to climate information services (CIS) and validated climate-smart agriculture (CSA) technologies in Africa, to help these countries strengthen the resilience of their agricultural sectors to the threat posed by climate change. Strengthening the capacity of next users, particularly agricultural extension and advisory service (EAS) providers who work to support farmers in Ghana and five other target countries, is crucial for achieving this goal.

Over 130,000 farmers in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, have used timely weather forecasts and advisories to improve farm decisions, leading to higher yields and profits

Décembre, 2022

Through "Local Technical Agroclimatic Committees" (LTACs) and multiple media, timely Agro-Climatic Bulletins are being disseminated to over 130,000 farmers (520,000 beneficiaries) in 351 communities in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta and South-Central Coast. Based on a sample survey of 202 farmers in one province, the use of this information has enabled farmers to increase their rice yields and revenue significantly. The LTAC model was developed in Latin America by CIAT and has been successfully adapted to the southeast Asian context.

Banana bunchy top disease in Africa – Predicting continent‐wide disease risks by combining survey data and expert knowledge

Décembre, 2022

Across Africa, banana bunchy top disease (BBTD) severely impacts banana production and livelihoods of millions of small-holder farmers. Mapping vulnerability of landscapes to monitor BBTD establishment and spread is crucial for proactive measures of disease exclusion. To highlight current and future risks of BBTD in Africa, using logistic regression, the relationship between 1160 field-observations from 14 BBTD surveys and environmental covariate maps was determined.

Gender Integration in Eastern African Farmers Federation Strategies: Position Paper

Décembre, 2022

The successful integration of a gender and youth perspective in an organisation's work requires an explicit recognition in its overarchning documents. Based on a desk review and analysis of two EAFF strategies through a gender lens, the paper examines the aim and extent of gender and youth integration in EAFF and proposes recommendations to strengthen gender and youth integration in strategies and programmes to enhance the achievement of the organisational goal for the Eastern Africa region.

Livestock policy exchange in Son La, Vietnam

Décembre, 2022

On 29 September 2023, a meeting was held with local stakeholders in Son La Province as part of
the Sustainable Animal Productivity for Improved Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion
(SAPLING) project in Vietnam. The participants included representatives from Son La Province,
SAPLING team, and various agricultural organizations.
The meeting began with an overview of the SAPLING project's objectives, which focus on aligning
its activities with existing programs in the region to maximize impact. The discussion highlighted

Are wheat-based farming systems in South Asia feminizing?

Décembre, 2022

This article pulls together the state of knowledge on the degree to which wheat-based systems in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan, are feminizing. It is not yet possible to make definitive statements. However, it is clear that wheat-based systems are undergoing far-reaching changes in relation to “who does what” and “who decides.” There are some commonalities across all four countries. Intersectionalities shape women’s identities and abilities to exert their agency. Purdah is a cultural norm in many locations. Nevertheless, each country displays different meta-trends.

Integrating GIS and remote sensing for land use/land cover mapping and groundwater potential assessment for climate-smart cocoa irrigation in Ghana

Décembre, 2022

Although Ghana is a leading global cocoa producer, its production and yield have experienced declines in recent years due to various factors, including long-term climate change such as increasing temperatures and changing rainfall patterns, as well as drought events. With the increasing exposure of cocoa-producing regions to extreme weather events, the vulnerability of cocoa production is also expected to rise. Supplemental irrigation for cocoa farmers has emerged as a viable adaptation strategy to ensure a consistent water supply and enhance yield.

The (perceived) quality of agricultural technology and its adoption: Experimental evidence from Uganda

Décembre, 2022

Recently, issues related to the (perceived) quality of inputs and technologies have been proposed as an important constraint to their adoption by smallholder farmers in low income countries. Taking maize seed embodying genetic gain as a case, we train random agro-dealers to test whether under-adoption by farmers is caused by low quality due to sellers' lack of knowledge about proper storage and handling.

The status of knowledge, attitudes, and practice in the cultivation and usage of improved forages in Kenya and Uganda

Décembre, 2022

There is a scarcity of published literature about farmers’ level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding improved forage varieties in East Africa, particularly among the populations where development projects have been and continue to be implemented. This study was carried out to address this knowledge gap and strengthen future scaling activities. We rely on cross-sectional data with a sample of 353 respondents equally drawn from treatment and control areas across 3 districts in Kenya and Uganda respectively.