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Journal Articles & Books
Août, 2016
Amérique du Sud
Neste ensaio defendemos que a agroecologia pode ser considerada um processo de recampesinização contemporâneo, se analisada a partir das suas premissas básicas de integração aos processos cooperativos de produção aliados ao manejo ecológico da terra. Desta forma, o agroecossistema assume lugar central que visa integrar a sustentabilidade na produção agrícola promovendo um contraponto à crescente crise agroambiental. Esta aproximação é situada no contexto das abordagens territoriais, como forma de garantir a autonomia e identidade local. 

Land Degradation Neutrality National Report 2016 - 2030.

National Policies
Août, 2016

This Land Degradation Neutrality National Report is a national policy with a sectoral approach. The timeframe of the Plan is 15 years between 2016 and 2030. The overall goal of the policy is to ensure soil improvement and conservation.Agricultural productivity will be increased through land improvement in order to meet the food demand.Rural employment will be enhanced through agricultural development. To this end, the living standards in rural areas will be raised.Forest areas will be expanded through afforestation, rehabilitation of mine sites and soil conservation.

A survey exploring private farm advisor perspectives of agri-environment schemes: The case of England’s Environmental Stewardship programme

Peer-reviewed publication
Août, 2016
États-Unis d'Amérique

Most stakeholder-based research concerning agri-environmental schemes (AES) derives from work engaging with farmers and land managers. Consequently, the voices and opinions of other actors involved in AES tends to be unrepresented in the wider literature. One group of actors that seem particularly overlooked in this respect are private (independent) farm advisors (i.e., the consultants contracted by farmers and land managers to advise-on AES and agronomic matters).

Biofortificação As controvérsias e as ameaças à soberania e segurança alimentar e nutricional

Manuals & Guidelines
Juillet, 2016

Muito oportuna e elucidativa essa publicação do FBSSAN que me foi dada a honra de apresentar. A biofortificação de alimentos tem se destacado entre os temas do crescente debate nacional e internacional no campo da nutrição, aí incluída sua relação com a agricultura. Como é usual em se tratando dos alimentos, este debate é permeado por interesses de várias ordens, sobretudo econômicos, com a apropriação de significados acompanhada do tradicional apelo à gravidade dos problemas (fome ou deficiência de nutrientes) que clama por soluções urgentes e milagrosas.

Motivações migratórias rural-urbanas e perspectivas de regresso ao campo- uma análise do desenvolvimento rural em Moçambique a partir de Maputo

Journal Articles & Books
Juillet, 2016

O ritmo migratório rural-urbano é frequentemente superior à taxa de crescimento natural dapopulação citadina, em resultado da procura de oportunidades de emprego por parte daspopulações rurais, o que reflecte (e cria novas) pressões sociais e económicas.Ao longo deste texto procura-se compreender os factores que levam as populações de origemrural a migrar para a cidade de Maputo, assim como compreender as dinâmicas de relacionamentodas mesmas, uma vez na cidade, com o seu universo de origem.


Reports & Research
Juillet, 2016

Zambia’s agriculture sector provides the main support for the rural economy. This assertion is based on the fact that about forty nine percent of the Zambian population depends on agriculture, primarily through smallholder production for their livelihoods and employment (CSO, 2014). Notwithstanding this fact, in 2015 the sector contributed 8.5 percent to the GDP and approximately 9.6 percent of national export earnings (CSO, 2015; World Bank, 2016). The potential for agricultural growth in Zambia is staggering.

Linking land governance and food security in Africa

Policy Papers & Briefs
Juillet, 2016

Equitable access to land is vital for inclusive economic growth, sustainable development and food security. Although much is known about the topics of land governance and food security, it is not always clear how the two relate to each other, especially in specific country contexts. This reflection paper, based on literature, LANDac country factsheets and three learning trajectories initiated by LANDac in Uganda, Ghana and Ethiopia, brings together findings and outcomes to provide policy recommendations for improved land governance and food security in Africa.


Policy Papers & Briefs
Juillet, 2016

Food security in Uganda relies mainly on access to land and security of tenure. Land governance is marked by the contradiction between relatively progressive legislation and only partial implementation. Institutions that have to deal with land administration and land disputes, such as customary authority systems, local government, and special courts for land justice, have weakened in the last years. Women’s position with respect to land and inheritance also remains weak, both legally and in practice, undermining their livelihoods and status in society.

Five-year Development Plan 2016 – 2020 for the Agricultural, Marine Fisheries and Natural Resources Sectors.

National Policies
Juillet, 2016

This sectoral document aims to illustrate and analyse the main factors of development policy concerning some sectors of fundamental importance for the Tunisian economy.Strategic objectives for the agricultural sector are (i) the natural resources sustainable development together with the reduction of the impacts of climate change through traditional water resources mobilization form groundwater and non-traditional water resources from desalinization and use of treated water; (ii) addressing real estate situations, resistance to ownership dispersion and exploitation of agricultural lands; (i

Tajikistan Land Reform and Farm Restructuring Project

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2016

ABSTRACTED FROM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Throughout Tajikistan, land, and access to it, is paramount to continued resilience and improved livelihoods of rural citizens. Agricultural output, especially from small to medium sized farms, constitutes a disproportionately high percentage of Tajikistan’s overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and represents an opportunity for continued economic growth for both the farmers and the country.

Law No. 119 amending Law No. 257 “On moratorium on transfer of irrigated arable land to other categories of land”.

Juillet, 2016

Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Transfer of irrigated public land stock to category of land under perennial fruit growing species shall be prohibited”.

Amends: Law No. 257 “On moratorium on transfer of irrigated arable land to other categories of land”. (2011-06-23)