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Industria Extractiva e as Comunidades Locais

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2014

Um clima de agitação, ansiedade e incerteza, suscepơvel de levar a sérias tensões sociais, tem estado a crescer junto das comunidades do Distrito de Palma, nomeadamente da Vila-Sede e povoações circunvizinhas. Estratégias sinuosas e inconsistentes, de comunicação com as comunidades locais, entremeadas de indícios de atropelos à lei, por parte das autoridades governamentais a vários níveis, sobre o processo conducente à construção da Fábrica de Gás Natural Liquefeito, a ser explorado na Bacia do Rovuma, são a principal causa deste clima.

Fluid dynamics: Water, knowledge, and power in the Mekong Delta

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2014
Viet Nam

ABSTRACTED FROM THE FIRST TWO PARAGRAPHS: Over the past several years, the enormity of the environmental challenges facing the Mekong River Delta region of southern Vietnam has become increasingly clear. Climate change and dam construction on the upper reaches of the Mekong threaten to disrupt the flow of the river, making both droughts and floods ever more common. Meanwhile, the rapid intensification of rice agriculture in the Mekong Delta and the export-oriented cultivation of farmed fish and shrimp have increasingly strained.

Geographies of transition: The political and geographical factors of agrarian change in Tajikistan

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2014

After more than two decades of agrarian change in Tajikistan, farming structures seem to crystallise. The first signs towards farm individualisation were observed only around 2000, which were the result of significant pressure from outside, when the post-conflict state was highly susceptible to pressure from multilateral institutions. Over time, striking differences in agrarian structures have emerged nation-wide; from highly fragmented, autonomous farms, to elite-controlled large-scale cotton farming.

2013 Agricultural Census Whole Kingdom

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2014

The National Statistical Office has conducted the Agricultural Census every 10 years in accordance with the recommendation of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and this census round was the sixth of its series. The census aims to provide basic information of the structure of agriculture and that information provides as a guideline for developing agricultural policies and plans as well as for monitoring agricultural development for both national and local levels.

Decision No. 64/2014/QD-TTg on specific policies on relocation and resettlement of people in areas under irrigation and hydropower projects.

Novembre, 2014
Viet Nam

This Decision, consisting of 24 articles divided into five Chapters, applies to the payment of compensations, support and resettlement of people in areas under the following projects: a) Irrigation and hydropower projects prescribed in Clause 1, Article 87 of the 2013 Land Law; b) Projects approved by the Prime Minister, including hydropower projects proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and irrigation projects proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; c) Irrigation and hydropower projects prescribed at Point a of this Clause, which are funded with ODA but not

Livestock matter

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre, 2014

Livestock are critical to building sustainability in food and agriculture. Current and future livestock sector development needs to produce more, from less, and in ways that benefit all. Solving the sector’s challenges requires stakeholders to find common ground and to join forces towards continuous practice change. The Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock is one example of these new ways of working.

Linking poor livestock keepers to markets

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre, 2014

The growing global demand for animal products also offers poor livestock keepers the opportunity to switch from the subsistence to the market economy. Our author gives an account of three approaches in the meat and dairy sector in Africa and Asia with their respective potentials and limitations – and also warns against possible negative effects.

Milk production pays off! – Experiences of a DPPP approach in Northern Sri Lanka

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre, 2014
Sri Lanka

Initiated by an international packaging company and a local retailer enterprise a project was set up in the Jaffna district in 2013 supported by the GIZ “development partnerships with the private sector” (develoPPP) initiative. The project aims at an increased quality and quantity of milk production and medium-term coverage of the regional demand. Within a couple of months, the monthly collected amount of milk has increased from 3,100 litres to 35,610 litres, and the number of participating farmers has increased tenfold.

China’s biomass energy development – a perception change from waste to resource

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre, 2014

China has a longstanding tradition of using biogas for decentralised energy supply. Already, there are nearly 42 million household digesters in the rural areas, a figure set to double by 2020. But the country has even more ambitious plans. In order to achieve its own climate targets and raise the share of renewables in overall energy supply to 15 per cent by 2020, it wants to set up 16,000 middle- and large-scale biogas plants. However, implementation isn’t quite so easy.