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The Feminization of Agriculture with Chinese Characteristics

Reports & Research
Mai, 2012

The objectives of this paper are to help build a picture of the role of women in China’s agriculture, to assess whether or not agricultural feminization has been occurring, and if so, to measure its impact on productivity. To meet these goals, we rely on three datasets that allow us to explore who is working on China’s farms and the effects of the labor allocation decisions of rural households on productivity. We find that since 2000, the role of women has increased both in the supply of farm labor and in the duties that women take on in the management of farms.

What Dimensions of Women’s Empowerment Matter Most for Child Nutrition?

Reports & Research
Mai, 2012

We use data from the 2007 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey to examine the relationship between women’s status and nutrition in Bangladesh using indicators of empowerment such as mobility, decisionmaking power, and attitudes toward verbal and physical abuse. We also examine the role of variables reflecting maternal education and height, in relation to child nutrition. All models control for age and sex of the child, household wealth, and region.

Decree No. 42/2012/ND-CP on management and use of rice-farming land.

Avril, 2012
Asia du sud-est
Viet Nam

This Decree provides for the management and use of rice-farming land in rice-growing areas.The Decree provides for: the formulation and management of master plans and plans on rice-farming land; conditions for the change of the use purpose of wet-rice farming land and of other rice-farming land; responsibilities of users of rice-farming land and of land users that change the purpose of rice-farming land; protection and improvement of the quality of rice-farming land; support policies for the protection and improvement of rice-farming land; etc. Repealed by: Decree No.

A Mamba e o Dragão Relações Moçambique-China em Perspectiva

Journal Articles & Books
Avril, 2012

O crescente posicionamento da China, de mera aquiescência para um manifesto activismo, no que concerne os assuntos africanos está a transformar a dinâmica do sistema pós-colonial (Braütigam 2009, Alden 2007; Taylor 2006). Desde o  início do processo de reforma interna, iniciada em 1978, que a fé maoísta e o altruísmo revolucionário deram lugar a empreendedores comerciais e a defensores das formas de mercado capitalista, agindo conscientemente em interesse próprio.

G8 Cooperation Framework to Support "the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition" in Tanzania

Reports & Research
Avril, 2012

Three years after the G8 Summit at L’Aquila, Italy, the international community recognizes the importance of food security to development, inclusive economic growth and the dignity of all women and men. In that spirit, we welcome the success of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) in demonstrating African ownership and leadership, its call for expanded public and private investment in agriculture and desire to build on the progress that African governments have made in advancing a vision for agricultural development in Africa. 

Agrarian changes in the Nyimba District of Zambia

Reports & Research
Avril, 2012

Over the past decade issues pertaining to land sharing/land sparing have gained some space in the debate on the study of land-use strategies and their associated impacts at landscape level. State and non-state actors have, through their interests and actions, triggered changes at the landscape level and this report is a synthesis of some of the main findings and contributions of a scoping study carried out in Zambia as part of CIFOR’s Agrarian Change Project. It focuses on findings in three villages located in the Nyimba District.

Steering Committee for the Agricultural Census. 2011. Agricultural Census Laos

Reports & Research
Avril, 2012

This report presents results of the Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11. It highlights the major findings of the census, featuring commentary and graphical presentations, as well as some summary tables. Results are shown for each province. The report is available in Lao and English as separate documents.   The Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11 was the second agricultural census undertaken in Lao PDR; the first was conducted in 1998/99. Since the first census, there have been significant changes in the agricultural sector and these changes needed to be captured in another census.  

Legislative Decree No.29 of 2012 on Agricultural Land Reclamation.

Avril, 2012
République arabe syrienne

This Decree consisting of 55 articles aims at regulating the agricultural land reclamation in Syria. Part I deals with the rules for the Agricultural Land Reclamation while Part II deals with the Distribution of irrigated reclaimed land. Article 1 states that the Minister of Irrigation may, in accordance with the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform and after taking the opinion of the General Union of Farmers, declare a public benefit in the reclamation of lands in any area of the Syrian Arab Republic.

Harnessing Proposed Land Reforms to Promote Environmental Conservation in Kenya: Lessons from The Case of Mwaluganje Elephant Sanctuary and Hombe Community Forest Association

Reports & Research
Mars, 2012

Land plays a vital and central role in the economic, social-cultural and political lives of both individuals and communities. Given its centrality in the socio-economic and political spheres, national goals such as economic development, poverty reduction, social and political stability are closely linked to land. Land provides the livelihood base for the bulk of the population especially in the rural areas where agriculture is the main occupation. Despite their importance, land and environment in Kenya have suffered decades of mismanagement that has led to the current state of degradation.

Land Rights and Agricultural Productivity

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mars, 2012

Property rights to land represent the key institutional asset on which rural people build their livelihoods. In fact, in many countries, landlessness is the best predictor of poverty. The nature of farmers’ property rights to land substantially impacts their willingness and ability to adopt productivity-enhancing inputs and investments.