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Unfinished business: Kenya’s efforts to address displacement and land issues in Coast Region

Reports & Research
Juin, 2014

The report analyses displacement in Coast region and identifies tensions over land tenure and poor land governance as key triggers, and obstacles to durable solutions. It provides examples of land issues underlying displacement caused by generalised violence, disasters and human rights violations, and establishes a close link between tenure insecurity and forced evictions. Disputes arise from competing land claims and incompatibility between formal and informal tenure systems.

Power and Vulnerability Land Dispute Resolution

Reports & Research
Avril, 2014

Unfolding analysis reveals two types of land disputes prevalent in postwar northern Uganda: cases that involve a legitimate cause of action and those that do not.1 Since mediation and alternative forms of dispute resolution rely on parties’ willingness to negotiate in good faith, cases featuring ‘bad faith’ and land grabbing—where powerful parties intentionally exploit another person’s vulnerability in order to illegally2 claim land—pose a serious challenge for local land dispute mediators. Such mediators must wrestle with whether and how to remain neutral in the face of injustice.


Journal Articles & Books
Avril, 2014
A energia elétrica é uma das bases do desenvolvimento, consequentemente é um dos principais influentes na questão ambiental, estando no cerne das discussões do desenvolvimento sustentável.
A Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte construída no Rio Xingu, no município de Altamira no Estado do Pará, passou desde o seu primeiro projeto por várias mudanças e discussões, principalmente na questão das terras indígenas, causando impactos na organização físico-territorial e sociocultural, além do desequilíbrio nas condições de saúde e alimentação.
Este ar

Land and Conflict in Papua New Guinea: The Role of Land Mediation

Journal Articles & Books
Avril, 2014
Papua New Guinea

Anecdotal evidence suggests that conflicts over land and extractive resource developments are on the rise across Papua New Guinea. These micro-level conflicts have the potential to scaleup and feed into large-scale armed conflicts—such as those that occurred on Bougainville and in neighbouring Solomon Islands—which require costly external intervention. Against this backdrop, this paper examines PNG’s legally-mandated land mediation system in theory and practice. A number of weaknesses are identified and described; and a case study of an apparently successful “hybrid” approach is discussed.

The Gendered Nature of Land and Property Rights in post-Reform Rwanda

Reports & Research
Avril, 2014

Rwanda has provided a picture of promising change for improving gender equalities in land rights. This report draws upon extensive qualitative field research in 20 sectors of Rwanda to examine the current state of gendered rights to land in practice. Among Rwandan communities, there is now widespread knowledge of laws granting gender-equal rights. More and more women are receiving inheritance and inter-vivos gifts and are increasingly receiving these in equal shares, while formally married women are exercising greater decision-making power over land held jointly with their husbands.

Pastoralism and conflict – two sides of a coin?

Journal Articles & Books
Mars, 2014

Pastoralism – the predominant form of livestock keeping in the Horn of Africa – has always been a source of disputes and tensions in the regions. So it is maybe no coincidence that precisely those countries with the largest cattle and camel herds should be the ones that have been suffering from prolonged armed conflict for years. This article takes a look at the closely interwoven aspects influencing conflicts in the Horn of Africa in general and South Sudan more specifically.

Helpdesk Report: Rwanda Land Tenure Regularisation Case Study

Reports & Research
Mars, 2014

Includes context, project objectives, coverage, cost, delivery and achievements, beneficiaries – communications and targeting, gender, innovations, employment and training, lesson learning, flexibility, geographical scope, government ownership and political will, sustainability, capacity of the justice sector to address land disputes, reliability and scalability of approach taken.

A Delicate Balance

Journal Articles & Books
Février, 2014

Excluding the introductory and concluding chapters, this book has 11 chapters presented in three sections. The first section dwells primarily on conceptual issues, which comprehensively unravels large-scale agricultural investments and their impacts at the theoretical level.

Under fire: Israel's enforcement of Access Restricted Areas in the Gaza Strip

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2014

A new report by IDMC and Gaza-based Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) offers the most comprehensive analysis to date on Israel's lethal enforcement of Access-Restricted Areas - (ARA) - live-fire zones imposed by the Israeli military forces on large swathes of the Gaza Strip.

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Contested aquaculture development in the protected mangrove forests of the Kapuas estuary, West Kalimantan

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2013

Indonesia comprises more mangroves than any other country, but also exhibits some of the highest mangrove loss rates worldwide. Most of these mangrove losses are caused by aquaculture development. Monetary valuation of the numerous ecosystem services of mangroves may contribute to their conservation.

World Bank's Bad Business in Sierra Leone

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2013
Sierra Leone

Since 2004, the World Bank has provided continuous “investment climate advisory services” to Sierra Leone. Business reforms and Bank-piloted programs such as Sierra Leone Business Forum and the Sierra Leone Investment and Export Promotion Agency led to the World Bank classifying Sierra Leone among “the top 15 economies that improved their business regulatory environment the most” since 2005 and rank the country third in the regional “Protection of Investors” category.