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Decreto Supremo Nº 133/13/PCM - Lineamientos para el acceso e intercambio de información espacial entre entidades de la Administración Pública.

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto Supremo establece los lineamientos y mecanismo de aplicación nacional que faciliten el acceso e intercambio de información espacial o georreferenciada entre las entidades de la Administración Pública.

Implementa: Ley Nº 29664 - Crea el Sistema Nacional de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres (SINAGERD). (2011-02-18)

Law on the real estate cadastre.

Macédoine du Nord
Europe méridionale

This Law prescribes all necessary standards, rules and procedures aimed to regulate the correct and sustainable management of the geodetic-cadastre of the Macedonian Republic, including the provisions governing the information system, the maintenance of the real estate cadastre, the establishment and maintenance of the cadastre of infrastructure objects as part of the real estate cadastre, the basic geodetic works, the geodetic works for special purposes, the real estate property survey performed in service of the real estate cadastre, the survey and the maintenance of the state borderline

Loi n° 57-12 complétant le dahir du 12 août 1913 sur l'immatriculation foncière.

Afrique septentrionale

La présente loi, en complément aux dispositions des articles 19, 20, 21, 25, 34,43 et 54 du dahir du 12 aout 1913 sur l’immatriculation foncière, autorise le conservateur de la propriété foncière de déléguer aux fins d'exécution des opérations de bornage, certaines charges à un géomètre topographe.

Regional Law No. 427-28-OZ amending Regional Law No. 132-10-OZ “On regulation of relations in the sphere of conservation, management, promotion and state protection of the objects of cultural heritage.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

Article 4 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Authorized regional state institution in the sphere of cultural heritage shall carry out state registration thereof, historical and cultural expertise, elaboration of areas of cultural heritage and mapping of the boundaries thereof”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 132-10-OZ “On regulation of relations in the sphere of conservation, management, promotion and state protection of the objects of cultural heritage. (2011-04-27)

Land Surveys Act, 2000 (S.S. 2000, c. L-4.1).

Amérique septentrionale

The present Act ensures the survey of land and the approval of plans. The Act contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms employed therein such as, for example, “application for boundary confirmation”, “cadastral parcel mapping system”, “deteriorated monument”, “former land registration district”, “land surveys directory”, “land titles registry”, “lost monument”, “parcel”, “primary survey”, “registered owner”, “re-establishment”, “Registrar of Titles”, etc. Section 4 establishes the Land Surveys Directory.

Water Power Act (R.S.S. 1978, c. W-6).

Amérique septentrionale

The purpose of the present Act is to regulate matters related to provincial water powers. It applies: a) to all provincial water powers; b) to all provincial lands connected with the development or working of those water powers; c) to all lands and properties that may be acquired under the terms of this Act; d) to the power and energy produced or producible from the waters on or within the said lands; e) to all undertakings established or carried on in respect of any provincial water powers.

Survey Act (Cap. 299).

Afrique orientale

This Act makes provision for the public control and organization of the survey of land and for other related matters. The Act consists of 46 sections divided into 10 Parts.As for administration, there shall be a Director of Surveys and such other officers as may be deemed to be necessary for the purposes of this Act. Also a Land Surveyors' Board is established. The Board shall principally appoint and control licensed surveyors. Surveyors, in order to become a licensed surveyor, shall submit to examination and be registered by the Board.

Surface Rights Act (RSA. 2000, c. S-24).

Amérique septentrionale

The purpose of the present Act is to outline the composition, functioning and jurisdiction of the Surface Rights Board. The Board shall: a) make rules of procedure and practice governing hearings, inquiries and proceedings conducted by it, and b) keep records of its hearings, inquiries and proceedings. In conducting a hearing or inquiry, the Board may, inter alia, enter on and inspect, or authorize any person to enter on and inspect, any land, building, works or other property.

Regional Law No. 110 “On composition, elaboration and modification of land-use planning scheme”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law determines composition, elaboration and modification of the regional land-use planning scheme. Land-use planning project shall include regulations on territorial planning and mapping of objects projected for location, description and characteristics of land areas and names of urban, municipal districts and inhabited areas. Monitoring of land-use planning schemes shall include state of environment and environmental protection arrangements.

Ley Nº 30.187 - Modifica la Ley Nº 27.795, Ley de demarcación y organización territorial.

Amérique du Sud

La presente Ley tiene por objeto actualizar la normativa vigente sobre demarcación territorial con la finalidad de dar agilidad y predictibilidad a los procedimientos de demarcación y saneamiento de límites de distritos y provincias.

Enmienda: Ley Nº 27795 - Ley de demarcación y organización territorial. (2002-07-24)