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Poland - The Functioning of the Labor, Land and Financial Markets : Opportunities and Constraints for Farming Sector Restructuring

Août, 2013

This study identifies several factors
that inhibit efficiency improvements in the farming sector,
both in themselves and through the dynamics of their mutual
interaction. The study observes that incentives faced in the
labor market have important implications for the land
structure and, and in many ways, are at the heart of the
problem of low labor productivity in agriculture. The study
finds that, while rural households are increasingly

Handbook for Preparing a Resettlement Action Plan

Août, 2013

This handbook intends to document the
essential steps for best practice in the design, and
implementation of resettlement action plans. Given that
involuntary resettlement entails both the physical
displacement of peoples, and the disruption of their
livelihoods, social development specialists at the
International Finance Corporation (IFC), worked together
with project developers to ensure consistent, and pragmatic

Rural Poverty Alleviation in Brazil : Toward an Integrated Strategy

Août, 2013

The objective of this report is to
design an integrated strategy for rural poverty reduction in
Brazil. It contains an updated and detailed profile of the
rural poor in the northeast and southeast regions of Brazil;
identifies key determinants of rural poverty in these
regions; and proposes a five-pronged strategic framework and
a tentative set of policy options. The latter were
identified via an analysis of rural poverty determinants

Connecting Cities with Macroeconomic Concerns : The Missing Link

Août, 2013

Urban growth is, in all parts of the
world, inevitable and welcomed. Despite concerns that local
governments will not be able to address those issues
associated with increased urban population, the number of
people living in urban centers will sur-pass those of the
rural population by 2030. Since productivity levels are
consistently higher in urban areas than in rural settings,
this would seem a reason to rejoice since it suggests more

Rural Poverty Alleviation in Brazil : Towards an Integrated Strategy, Volume 1. Policy Summary

Août, 2013

This report finalized in March 2001
constitutes a step toward the objective of designing an
integrated strategy for rural poverty reduction in Brazil,
The report contains an updated and more detailed profile of
the rural poor in the northeast (NE) and southeast (SE) of
Brazil; identifies key determinants of rural poverty in
these regions; and proposes a five-pronged strategic
framework in which to couch a set of integrated policies

Nicaragua : Promoting Competitiveness and Stimulating Broad-based Growth in Agriculture

Août, 2013

The report argues that Nicaragua's
best hope for sustained growth, and poverty reduction,
probably lies with agricultural exports, which have the
potential to gain from opportunities in world markets.
Despite the small share of farmland devoted to the
production of exports (25 percent of harvested area), the
total trade of agricultural goods (including the value of
both imports, and exports) accounted for almost eighty five

Zambia : The Challenge of Competitiveness and Diversification

Août, 2013

This study was designed to go below the
radar of Zambia's macroeconomic developments to examine
trends, constraints, and opportunities in specific economic
subsectors. It sought to build upon existing and planned
analyses within the country in order to better understand:
1) the underlying bases for competitive advantage and
disadvantage in the evolving Zambian economy; 2) the likely
sustainability of those patterns of economic diversification

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia : Developing Exports to Promote Growth

Août, 2013

This report proposes a strategy to
promote growth, and poverty reduction through export
development. It supports the strategic directions of the
Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (I-PRSP), stressing
the importance of improving economic governance, and the
environment for investments, for an active participation in
the world economy. The report reviews the performance of
trade policies, and exports in the 1990s; discusses the new

Agriculture in Nicaragua : Promoting Competitiveness and Stimulating Broad-Based Growth

Août, 2013

The report reviews basic growth, as
being one of four pillars for Nicaragua's poverty
reduction strategy. The well-being of the rural poor will
continue its dependence on - to a great extent -
agriculture. The study analyzes main agricultural
development aspects, and stipulates the broad basic growth
may be enhanced by strengthening agricultural
competitiveness. Yet, export growth is key to economic

Jordan - Development Policy Review : A Reforming State in a Volatile Region

Août, 2013

Since the early 1990s, Jordan has
initiated efforts toward far-reaching stabilization and
structural reform. The reforms have aimed at laying the
foundations for a reduced role of the state,
private-sector-export-oriented-growth, employment, poverty
reduction, and overall improvement in the welfare of the
population. Due to this intensive effort, inflation has been
reduced, the current account of the balance of payments has

Sustaining Forests : A Development Strategy, Appendixes (from CD-ROM)

Août, 2013

Forest resources directly contribute to
the livelihoods of 90 percent of the 1.2 billion people
living in extreme poverty and indirectly support the natural
environment that nourishes agriculture and the food supplies
of nearly half the population of the developing world.
Forests also are central to growth in many developing
countries through trade and industrial development. However,
mismanagement of this resource has cost governments revenues

Bhutan - Hydropower Export Boom : Its Macroeconomic Impacts and Policy Implications

Août, 2013

Bhutan has shown remarkable economic
performance over the last two decades. Growth during the
second half of the 1990s was particularly strong, with
annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth averaging 6.5
percent. A large part of this performance has been supported
by generous inflows of foreign aid and buoyant electricity
exports to India, which have spurred growth both directly by
expanding export earnings and indirectly by stimulating