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Displaying 277 - 288 of 530

Climate-responsive Social Protection

Mai, 2013

In the years ahead, development efforts
aiming at reducing vulnerability will increasingly have to
factor in climate change, and social protection is no
exception. This paper sets out the case for
climate?responsive social protection and proposes a
framework with principles, design features, and functions
that would help Social Protection (SP) systems evolve in a
climate?responsive direction. The principles comprise

Rental Housing : Lessons from International Experience and Policies for Emerging Markets

Avril, 2013

This book rental housing lessons from
international experience and policies for emerging market
is an effort to bring rental housing to the forefront of the
housing agenda of countries around the world and to provide
general guidance for policy makers whose actions can have an
effect on where and how people live. It warns of the
challenges they face and provides guidelines on how to
develop or redevelop a sound rental sector. it can enable

Borderless Bazaars and Regional Integration in Central Asia : Emerging Patterns of Trade and Cross-Border Cooperation

Avril, 2013
Asie central

Local populations' economic opportunities can be enhanced through special arrangements governing movement of people and goods in neighboring areas. For instance, in the Tajikistan-Uzbekistan border-crossing points (BCPs), preferential treatment accorded to residents in contiguous regions varies from one BCP to another, even within one borderline, restricting the distance allowed for travel into the territory of another country to the closest large city or marketplace.

Agricultural Sector Policy Note for Bosnia and Herzegovina : Trade and Integration Policy Notes

Avril, 2013

The agricultural season in Bosnia and
Herzegovina (BH) begins earlier than in most European
countries, shipping costs are relatively low, and land and
labor prices are more favorable than in other southern
European countries. As a result, the country's
agriculture sector should be well positioned to compete on
the export markets. With 20.6 percent of all employed in BH,
agriculture remains an important sector for employment,

Guyana : Agricultural Insurance Component Pre-feasibility Study Report

Avril, 2013

The objective of the Agricultural
Insurance pre-feasibility study is to identify the
institutional, operational, technical and financial
challenges for the development of agricultural risk transfer
solutions and insurance for rice, fruit and vegetables,
livestock, and the aquaculture sector in Guyana. The
specific objectives of the study include: (i) to identify
the production systems, constraints and risks faced by

Land Policy Dialogues : Addressing Urban-Rural Synergies in World Bank Facilitated Dialogues in the Last Decade

Mars, 2013

Land policy, administration and
management are areas of strong client demand for technical
advice and operational support. This review sought to help
the Bank better position itself to present coherent advice
on policy, institutional arrangements and practice. The
potential implications are a lowering of reputational risk
to the Bank; greater efficiency in the process including
joint data gathering; and building of greater momentum and

Growing Africa

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Mars, 2013
Burkina Faso
Afrique sub-saharienne

This report highlights the great potential of the agribusiness sector in Africa by drawing on experience in Africa as well as other regions. The evidence demonstrates that good policies, a conducive business environment, and strategic support from governments can help agribusiness reach its potential. Africa is now at a crossroads, from which it can take concrete steps to realize its potential or continue to lose competitiveness, missing a major opportunity for increased growth, employment, and food security. The report pursues several lines of analysis.

Agribusiness Indicators : Ghana

Mars, 2013

Agriculture plays an important role in
the economies of most countries in Africa. However, few
African countries have been able to capitalize on the
sector's considerable potential to contribute to
economic development through commercialization. Few have
created an enabling environment for agricultural finance in
which lenders and other agents are encouraged to develop
innovative financial products that are well tailored to meet

Niger - Rural Financial Services : Expanding Financial Access to the Rural Poor

Mars, 2013

The main objective of this study is to
identify the major impediments to access to financial
services in rural areas, and provide practical
recommendations to address the identified problems. The
study aims to inform on rural finance policies and
innovative instruments by examining both supply and demand
sides including an identification of non-financial issues
that restrict development of the rural financial sector.

Strengthening Quality, Growth, and Performance in Agriculture Finance : Lessons from India

Mars, 2013

This report presents the key message,
lessons, and insights from agrifin's first knowledge
exchange event, held in Hyderabad, India, March 7-12, 2011.
Agrifin is a special initiative aimed at building capacity
in agriculture finance for commercially-oriented
smallholders and small and medium enterprise (SME)
agribusiness market segments. The initiative, managed by the
World Bank, through generous support from the bill and

Assessing Options for Effective Mechanisms to Share Benefits : Insights for REDD+ Initiatives

Mars, 2013

One objective of this paper is to
provide information and tools for policy makers and
development partners engaged in developing arrangements for
transferring REDD plus benefits. This paper is also intended
to help key stakeholders design a mechanism that is
appropriate for a country's context. Another objective
is to provide information and tools for assessing and
structuring benefit sharing mechanisms at national and sub

Making Benefit Sharing Arrangements Work for Forest-dependent Communities : Overview of Insights for REDD+ Initiatives

Mars, 2013

This overview paper positions the
question of benefit sharing in the context of REDD plus. It
shares findings from a cursory review of a sample of
Readiness Preparation Proposals (RPP) for REDD plus
submitted to the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF).
It deconstructs the concept of benefit sharing. It also
provides a summary of the main findings from three recent
studies on benefit sharing that were financed by the Program