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Displaying 241 - 252 of 1422

Economic benefits of sustainable, forage-based cattle systems in Colombia and Nicaragua

Décembre, 2022

Forage-based cattle systems play a key role in rural economies of developing countries in terms of food security and poverty alleviation, particularly in tropical Latin America. However, they are often related to being a major cause of negative environmental impacts by contributing to increased greenhouse gas emissions, land degradation, and the reduction of biodiversity. Significant resources have been allocated to research and development in forage material improvement, including selection and breeding.

Assessment of Belg 2023 Climate and Climate Outlook of the upcoming Kiremt 2023

Décembre, 2022

In collaboration with AICCRA, EMI held a workshop to present the assessment of the Belg 2023 climate and the outlook of the upcoming Kiremt 2023. It was held within the NFCS-E framework, mainstreaming climate into key socio-economic sectors for resilience and sustainable development. It was convened on May 16, 2022, at Haile Resort, Adama, Ethiopia, and brought together 300 government officials of WoWE, EDRMC, EMI, representatives from socio-economic sectors, international partners, civic societies, and media.

Identification of key individuals and groups for effecting policy change and establish ToR's for the taskforce / working group

Décembre, 2022

A working group of stakeholders has been created to aid in shaping results and result dissemination for effecting policy change in Zambia. A first meeting was held in Lusaka on March 7th to present iFEED to the working group and begin discussions about how to use results to inform policy development. Further meetings took place in Q2 2023 between Leeds WP3 and the working group to finalise these results and how they will be used to inform policy change.

African Fertilizer and Soil Health Action Plan: 2023-2033

Décembre, 2022

Adapting food systems to climate change is a global priority, including for the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in East Africa. Food systems are impacted by climate change, and also contribute to climate change. In the East Africa region, climate change (particularly severe drought) is negatively impacting agricultural production (crops and livestock) and disrupting supply chains, putting pressure on livelihoods and threatening to significantly increase hunger and malnutrition. There is therefore a critical need for enhancing climate change adaptation efforts.

Bundling socio-technical innovations to empower women as partners and drivers of climate change solutions

Décembre, 2022

The CGIAR Initiative on Gender Equality (HER+: Harnessing Gender and Social Equality for Resilience in Agri-food systems) aims to achieve climate resilience by strengthening gender equality and social inclusion across food systems in the Global South. Together with partners, the initiative supports women to increase their agency and to acquire and gain control over resources. The initiative facilitates women’s pathways to empowerment and helps them adapt to future climate-related shocks and stresses.

Examining linkages among multiple sustainable development outcomes: does the productive safety net program increase on‑farm agrobiodiversity?

Décembre, 2022

play a key role in building smallholders’ resilience. However, the impact of PSNP on on-
farm agrobiodiversity is not yet well investigated. In this paper, we develop an analytical
framework that links PSNP participation to on-farm agrobiodiversity. Both diverse farm-
ing systems and PSNP require labour inputs while providing income stabilization, which
might result in a negative relationship between the two. Conversely, higher income from
PSNP might allow farmers to increase their long-term on-farm investments, as opposed to

Application of advanced Wflow_sbm Model with the CMIP6 climate projection for flood prediction in the data-scarce: Lake-Tana Basin, Ethiopia [Abstract only]

Décembre, 2022

Abstract: Flood-attributed damages to infrastructure and public safety are expected to escalate in the future due to climate change, land use change, and associated hydrologic changes. In recent years, the reliability of flood forecasts has increased due to the availability of meteorological and hydrological data and advancements in flood prediction science. However, there is limited effort to apply emerging advanced hydrological models for flood prediction in poorly gauged watersheds.

Accelerating climate adaptation in the Zambezi River Basin through digital innovations

Décembre, 2022

The Zambezi River Basin (ZRB) in southern Africa connects eight riparian countries—Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The population there mostly reside rurally, and over 80 percent of agriculture is attributed to smallholder farmers facing the brunt of the climate crisis. Digital technologies can facilitate and enhance climate adaptation and resilience, but their potential in ZRB is unassessed and the use relatively low.