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Monitoring Security of Tenure in Cities: People,Land and Policies

Manuals & Guidelines
Décembre, 2011

This publication, Monitoring Security of Tenure in Cities: People, Land and Policies, presents an innovative method to ascertain the extent to which security of tenure can be measured at three main levels. Targeting cities in developing countries, the methodological framework presented in this publication is entrusted in the concept of continuum of land rights where tenure can be realised at various levels: individual, household, settlement or community, city and national levels. Various options to measure tenure security at each of these levels are presented.

Wildlife Conservation (Wildlife Management Areas) Regulations, 2012 (G.N No. 206 of 2012).

Décembre, 2011

These Regulations make provision for the declaration, administration and management of wildlife management areas and the establishment of Community Based Organizations for such administration and management. They also provide for non-consumptive and consumptive utilisation of resources of wildlife management areas, the resolution of disputes and management of conflicts in such areas and define offences.Any village intending to designate an area as a Wildlife Management Area shall first establish a Community Based Organization in the manner prescribed under the Trustees’ Incorporation Act.

Makonde Rural District Council (Communal and Resettlement Land) (Land Use and Conservation) By-laws, 2012 (S.I. 172 of 2012).

Décembre, 2011

These By-laws, approved by the Minister in terms of section 90 of the Rural District Councils Act, shall apply to communal and resettlement land within the Makonde Rural District Council. They allow the Makonde Rural District Council to prepare a plan for- (a) all communal or resettlement land within the Council area; or (b) any ward or combination of wards in communal and resettlement land within the Council area; or (c) any part of award or wards in communal and resettlement land within the Council area. The By-laws set out the procedure for preparation and adoption of the Plan.

Recreation in Different Forest Settings: A Scene Preference Study

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2011

Recreation activity preferences in forest settings were explored in a scene preference study. The importance of type of human intervention and the level of biodiversity for preference and intention to engage in recreation activities were examined in a sample of forestry and social science students in Sweden. Results showed that forestry students displayed an almost equally strong preference for natural-looking scenes as for scenes with traces of recreation (e.g., paths), whereas social science students preferred recreational scenes the most.

Land Use Adaptation to Climate Change: Economic Damages from Land-Falling Hurricanes in the Atlantic and Gulf States of the USA, 1900–2005

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2011

Global climate change, especially the phenomena of global warming, is expected to increase the intensity of land-falling hurricanes. Societal adaptation is needed to reduce vulnerability from increasingly intense hurricanes. This study quantifies the adaptation effects of potentially policy driven caps on housing densities and agricultural cover in coastal (and adjacent inland) areas vulnerable to hurricane damages in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal regions of the U.S.

Rehabilitation of Cambodia’s railways: Comparison of field data

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2011

This report compares independently-gathered household data from four communities located along railroad tracks in Phnom Penh to data gathered by the Inter-Ministerial Resettlement Committee (IRC) in charge of the resettlement of households along the railways. Based on comparative data from 70 households, the report finds significant and widespread anomalies in the data gathered by the IRC. In the majority of cases, data collected by STT shows households are eligible to receive higher rates of compensation than those proffered by the IRC.

Demonstration of an integrated watershed assessment using a three-tiered assessment framework

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

Watersheds are useful templates for wetland protection and land use planning because they integrate cumulative effects that better inform site-specific management decisions. The goal of this study was to demonstrate application of a three-tiered assessment paradigm in the San Gabriel watershed (Los Angeles County, California) that incorporates monitoring at varying spatial scales and intensities.

Characteristics of developers and their relations to open space conservation

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

Developers are entrepreneurs that initiate and carry out land development projects. They play an active dominant and leading role in land use planning decisions, and are, therefore, expected to have a significant impact on patterns of development and open space conservation. The present study identified correlations between characteristics of developers and indicators of open space conservation, based on a random sample of 88 statutory land use plans in the Tel Aviv metropolitan region over the period 1990–1999.

Effectiveness of land management measures to reduce coastal georisks, eastern Québec, Canada

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

Erosion and flooding are geohazards that pose a significant problem in eastern Québec, as they do throughout the world. To manage such risks, zoning to set limits on new construction projects is generally the first adaptation solution introduced in an area. However, very few studies have evaluated the effectiveness of zoning in terms of risk reduction. Offered here is a retrospective approach to evaluate the evolution of settlement in coastal areas before and during the progressive implementation of zoning laws and regulations in the Percé region of eastern Québec, Canada.

Research on land use decisions to carry out remote sensing:A case study on Gediz Delta

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2011

Gediz Delta is place of empties itself into the sea of Gediz River. Its one of the important wetland of Turkey which under the protection of Ramsar Convention. It has lots of lagoones, salt marshes, freshwater marshes, large saltpans and also ornitotourism place Kuş Cenneti. Gediz Delta has rich flora and fauna biodiversity because of this its important place for natural life sustainability.

Economic analysis of exploitation and regeneration in plantations with problematic site productivity

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

Although intensive managed plantations clearly increase the growth and yield of forests several papers refer to declining forest productivity. Therefore in this paper we study the impact of declining forest productivity on the land expectation value and the optimal rotation length. We start from the research by Lu and Chang (1996) and try to fill the gap between the stable site productivity (“best”) and the site mining (“worst”) cases. For that we extend the classical Faustmann model by availability of different recovering technologies.