Agriculture and deforestation in tropical Asia: an analytical framework
Utilises a number of situations observed in tropical Asia to motivate a simple trade-theoretical analysis of the implications of technological progress in agriculture.
Utilises a number of situations observed in tropical Asia to motivate a simple trade-theoretical analysis of the implications of technological progress in agriculture.
This study provides a concise overview of the information available on the land rights of indigenous peoples, with a focus on those in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Successive chapters summarise the rights of indigenous peoples in international law and then examine how these rights are being recognised, or not, in Latin America, Africa and the Asia-Pacific.
The author begins by providing a brief overview of the concept and reasoning behind certification of forest products. She states that, at the outset, one of the aims of certification was to provide market access and other benefits for small-scale, low-impact, community run ‘eco-timber’ projects.
The paper offers proposals for integrating understanding of and response to the pandemic into land reform-related development activities.
Redistributive land reform in Namibia is widely regarded as a precondition for sustainable rural development and poverty alleviation. This paper briefly discusses the development of thinking on land reform and the development of land reform models prior to Independence.
The key concept of the Global Strategy for Shelter, and its successor the Habitat Agenda, is that of enabling; of governments' stepping back from housing production and measures to control the price of outputs and, instead, working to enable the current and potential suppliers of housing to do what they do best.
Population growth and urbanisation are driving a livestock revolution. Mixed farming systems are the present and the foreseeable future of West African livestock systems, with concurrent changes in livestock feeding systems and the role of grazing, fodder and penning. The livestock economy has to be seen as part of a national economy in which urban and rural facets interact.
Forty per cent of sub-Saharan Africa's population live on less than a dollar a day and more than seventy per cent are currently without adequate shelter, so what has property got to do with it?
Redistributive land reform in southern Africa is reviewed against the background of the recent land crisis in the region. The dilemmas created for governments and donors are described, as are attempts to grapple with them. Answers are sought to four questions: What has been the experience with land redistribution in the region over the last decade or so?
Este trabajo analiza las consecuencias que la neutralidad de género ha dejado para la política pública, en el caso específico de las reformas agrarias y el acceso de la mujer a la tierra en América Latina.
Como fruto de esta división del trabajo socialmente reconocida y aceptada, las mujeres rurales se enfrentan cotidianamente a un sinnúmero de obstáculos para llevar a cabo las actividades productivas, con miras a asegurar la subsistencia de sus familias.