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Estudo de caso: o mercado de terras rurais na região da zona da mata de Pernambuco, Brasil

LandLibrary Resource
Institutional & promotional materials
Novembre, 2000

Apesar do otimismo tanto do Governo como de alguns setores da sociedade brasileira ao afirmar que a reforma agrária através do mercado é uma opção viável e desejável para resolver o problema fundiário e a pobreza rural do país, o presente estudo mostra que persistem diversos problemas para o desenvolvimento do mercado de terras rurais brasileiras.

LANDNET Africa: Report of the East African Sub-Regional Planning Workshop

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Août, 2000

Official report of the East African LANDNET Africa meeting held in Kenya in August 2000. Summarises welcoming remarks, the keynote address by H.W.O. Okoth-Ogendo, and thematic presentations on women’s land rights in eastern Africa, common property networking at the global level, and land tenure networking issues in Rwanda.

Land Tenure Reform and the Balance of Power in Eastern and Southern Africa

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Juin, 2000

Examines the current wave of land tenure reform in Eastern and Southern Africa. Discusses how far tenure reform reflects a shift in powers over property from centre to periphery. A central question is whether tenure reform is designed to deliver to rural smallholders greater security of tenure and greater control over the regulation and transfer of these rights.

New Land Laws and Old Donors in Africa

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Avril, 2000

Series of slides presented at a talk to the Royal African Society covering land tenure in Africa: common features; book outline; West Africa; land commissions, national land policies and land laws; implementation problems; Uganda Land Act 1998; land reform in South Africa 1994-9; tenure reform blocked in South Africa; conclusions; new approaches to land rights management; role of donors; Zimbab

Parliamentary Media Briefing by the Minister for Agriculture and Land Affairs, Ms Thoko Didiza

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Février, 2000

Mentions new food security programme, transfer of state land, land tenure, land reform grant, new approach, commonage, agricultural redistribution grants, integrated rural development planning. Will facilitate transfer of tribal land to tribes and communities. Extended deadline for labour tenant claims to March 2001.