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Importance of inequality for natural resource governance : evidence from two Nicaraguan territories

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2014

Natural resources constitute an important axis around which rural territorial dynamics revolve. Based on empirical
registration of how applications for and denouncements of natural resource use are dealt with in two Nicaraguan rural territories, this
paper examines the importance of inequality for the institutional practices through which district-level governance of natural resource
use takes place. Notable differences are identified. The paper concludes that institutional practices which promote rule-based natural

Doing Business Economy Profile 2015 : Burundi

Décembre, 2014

This economy profile for Doing Business
2015 presents the 11 Doing Business indicators for Burundi.
To allow for useful comparison, the profile also provides
data for other selected economies (comparator economies) for
each indicator. Doing Business 2015 is the 12th edition in a
series of annual reports measuring the regulations that
enhance business activity and those that constrain it.
Economies are ranked on their ease of doing business; for

Handbook for Improving the Living Conditions of Roma

Décembre, 2014

A disproportionately large number of
Roma in Europe today face deep poverty, social exclusion,
and poor living conditions. Improving these is critical to
achieving the targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy, the
European Union s 10-year growth strategy, which aims to
reduce poverty, social exclusion, early school leaving, and
increase school attainment and employment by 2020. The EU
Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies (NRIS) up

Political Economy and Forced Displacement : Guidance and Lessons from Nine Country Case Studies

Décembre, 2014

This report was produced for the Global
Program on Forced Displacement and describes why and how to
conduct political economy analysis (PEA) of forced
displacement. It also illustrates how PEA may contribute to
understanding forced displacement crises with nine case
studies: Casamance (Senegal), Colombia, Cote dapos;Ivoire,
Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, the Philippines,
Somalia, South Sudan, and Zimbabwe. Forced displacement is

A Review of International Legal Instruments : Facilitation of Transport and Trade in Africa, Second Edition

Décembre, 2014

This is the second edition of the 2003
paper entitled "Facilitation of transport and trade in
Sub-Saharan Africa : a review of international legal
instruments - Treaties, conventions, protocols, decisions,
directives." Three major reasons motivated this update
and an expansion of its scope. First, African countries are
increasingly cooperating, especially in the area of
corridors, to achieve full connectivity, mobility and

Striving for Business Success : Voices of Liberian Women Entrepreneurs

Décembre, 2014

Women in post-conflict economies face a
number of challenges. Often their businesses stay at
embryonic stages only, due to three key limitations relating
to: knowledge of business vision and management; access to
finance and markets; and access to role models and networks.
Added to the complexity is the risk of having to start all
over again due to their countriesapos; political instability
and the limited infrastructure to make their businesses

Land Governance in South Sudan : Policies for Peace and Development

Décembre, 2014

South Sudan is a new country of 10.5
million people that has just emerged from conflict and still
facing challenges with recovery and development. Although
economic disparities, political exclusion and deprivation in
the distribution of political and economic power between the
northern and southern parts of then united Sudan were often
tendered as the proximal causes of the conflict, at the
center of the prolonged civil war was the struggle for

Rebalancing Serbia's Economy : Improving Competitiveness, Strengthening the Private Sector, and Creating Jobs

Décembre, 2014

Serbia's economy is out of balance
and performing below its potential. Since the post,
Yugoslavian transition, Serbia's economy has been
running on one engine, the non-tradable sector and expansion
of domestic demand. This was financed with ample capital
inflows, which were sharply reduced since 2008 as the global
economic crisis escalated. While this consumption-led growth
produced some improvements in living standards, it was not

Land Transparency Study : Synthesis Report

Décembre, 2014

This report presents the results of a
novel study on land transparency in Vietnam; a study that
focuses on the actual provision of information related to
land. This study was produced as part of the Vietnam
Transparency Project, an effort to systematically measure
transparency, provide actionable advice on how to improve
transparency, and analyze the causes and effects of
transparency in Vietnam. If a country's political,