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Estudio sobre las políticas públicas dedicadas a la juventud rural

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2021

Con el fin de conocer y dar a conocer las herramientas que pueden contribuir al mantenimiento y desarrollo de la juventud en el medio rural y la mejora de su calidad de vida, el FORO RURAL MUNDIAL (FRM/WRF/ML) plantea elaborar un estudio sobre las políticas públicas dedicadas a la juventud rural.


El estudio ha sido realizado gracias a la financiación obtenida de la convocatoria de ayudas para el desarrollo de programas y actividades en el ámbito de juventud para el año 2021 del Departamento de Juventud del Gobierno Vasco.

Study on Fraud in Land Administration Systems

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Septembre, 2021
Northern America
Central Asia
Western Asia

This publication is based on the “Study on Fraud in Land Administration Systems” presented at the Twelfth Session of the Working Party on Land Administration in 2021. It is an update to the 2011 “Study on the Challenges of Fraud to Land Administration Institutions" (ECE/HBP/165). It analyses the current state of play and best practices in addressing fraud in land administration systems in the ECE region.

The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT) - Popular version for communal land administration

Reports & Research
Avril, 2021

The VGGT Popular Version for Communal Land Administration was developed to support the Parliament of Namibia in delivering training to traditional authorities and regional institutions to enhance their capacity to administer communal land within their jurisdictions. This was carried out in line with the Communal Land Reform Act, Act 5 of 2002 and the resolutions of the 2nd National Land Conference. The Popular Version outlines 14 pertinent land governance issues in Namibia’s communal areas.

How Many and Which Women Own Land in India? Inter-gender and Intra-gender Gaps

Journal Articles & Books
Mars, 2021

Measuring gender inequality in land ownership is essential for assessing progress in women’s economic empowerment, tracing the impact of progressive laws on actual practice, and monitoring SDG 5 on gender equality. To effectively assess inter-gender (male-female) gaps in land ownership, however, requires multiple measures. We also need to know which women are more likely to own land by tracing intra-gender differences. To date, no study on India has provided a full range of measures on inter-gender inequality in land ownership or focused on intra-gender variations.

Accord UE-Mercosur Risques pour la protection du climat et les droits humains

Reports & Research
Août, 2020

Fin juin 2019, la Commission européenne a annoncé avoir conclu un accord de principe en vue d’un accord de libre-échange avec le Mercosur. Ce bloc commercial sud-américain est composé de l’Argentine, du Brésil, du Paraguay et de l’Uruguay. L’accord envisagé est l’un des volets d’un accord d’association plus global. Il est fortement décrié par la société civile et certains gouvernements. La présente publication est proposée par MISEREOR, Greenpeace, la CIDSE, le CCFD-Terre Solidaire et Entraide & Fraternité.


Manuals & Guidelines
Mars, 2020

Les questions d’accès à la terre, reconnues depuis longtemps dans les espaces internationaux et institutionnels, sont encore plus urgentes dans le contexte actuel : tant en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19 qu’avec la publication de la stratégie « de la ferme à la table » de la Commission européenne, qui ont mis en lumière l’importance des systèmes alimentaires locaux qui ne peuvent être maintenus et étendus que s’ils ont accès à des terres agricoles.

Measuring Individuals’ Rights to Land; An Integrated Approach to Data Collection for SDG Indicators 1.4.2 and 5.a.1

Reports & Research
Août, 2019

Land is a key economic resource inextricably linked to access to, use of and control over other economic and productive resources. Recognition of this, and the increasing stress on land from the world’s growing population and changing climate, has driven demand for strengthening tenure security for all. This has created the need for a core set of land indicators that have national application and global comparability, which culminated in the inclusion of indicators 1.4.2 and 5.a.1 in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda.


Policy Papers & Briefs
Juillet, 2019
South America

 Reflexiones del informe anual sobre acceso a la tierra y territorio en sudamérica 2018[1]
Oscar Bazoberry Chali, sociólogo, coordinador general Instituto para el Desarrollo Rural de Sudamérica - IPDRS
Ruth Bautista Durán, socióloga, investigadora Instituto para el Desarrollo Rural de Sudamérica - IPDRS

Sob o signo do despejo: a resistência camponesa no Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) a partir da trajetória de Roseli Borges

Policy Papers & Briefs
Avril, 2019

A questão agrária no Brasil e na América Latina é politicamente elaborada diante da concentração fundiária e da correspondente dificuldade de acesso dos camponeses à terra. As experiências de despejo têm sido marca constitutiva do imaginário social e da vida de inúmeros trabalhadores e trabalhadoras rurais em todo o território brasileiro (MARTINS, 1983, 2003). Trata-se de uma experiência dramática e que, dada a sua recorrência e intensidade, é constitutiva da experiência dos despossuídos rurais no Brasil.