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Displaying 361 - 372 of 1732

Afghanistan Poverty Status Update

Novembre, 2015

Afghanistan’s per capita Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) grew at an average annual rate of 6.9 percent
during that period. In contrast, in 2007-08, 36 percent of
Afghans were poor, and four years later, still, more than
one in three Afghans did not have the buying power to
satisfy their basic food and non-food needs. Economic growth
in Afghanistan, therefore, is not in and of itself enough to
reduce poverty. To achieve poverty reduction, economic

Formalizing Rural Land Rights in West Africa

Novembre, 2015

This paper presents early evidence from
the first large-scale randomized-controlled trial of a land
formalization program. The study examines the links between
land demarcation and investment in rural Benin in light of a
model of agricultural production under insecure tenure. The
demarcation process involved communities in the mapping and
attribution of land rights; cornerstones marked parcel
boundaries and offered lasting landmarks. Consistent with

Pronatal Property Rights over Land and Fertility Outcomes

Novembre, 2015

This study exploits a natural experiment
to investigate the impact of land reform on the fertility
outcomes of households in rural Ethiopia. Public policies
and customs created a situation where Ethiopian households
could influence their usufruct rights to land via a
demographic expansion of the family. The study evaluates the
impact of the abolishment of these pronatal property rights
on fertility outcomes. By matching aggregated census data

Multidimensional Poverty in Ethiopia

Novembre, 2015

This paper presents trends in monetary
and nonmonetary dimensions of wellbeing in Ethiopia using
data from the Household Consumption and Expenditure and
Welfare Monitoring surveys implemented in 2000, 2005, and
2011. The paper provides evidence on changes in overlapping
deprivations using a non-index approach to multidimensional
poverty. It assesses the performance of various dimensions
in education, health, and living standards, taking one

Review of Program Design and Beneficiary Profiles of Social Welfare Programs in Mongolia

Octobre, 2015

The report begins with a summary of
programs reviewed, a description of the PMT targeting
system, and the profile of individuals in the database. It
then presents key findings from the review of budgets and
the analysis of SW Admin/PMT data on program coverage and
distributional equity of program benefits. The report
concludes with a discussion of policy implications and
recommendations that emerged from the key findings and the

Understanding India’s Urban Frontier

Octobre, 2015

According to the latest census of 2011,
the urbanization level in India has increased from 27.8
percent in 2001 to 31.2 percent in 2011, and for the first
time, the absolute increase in urban population exceeded the
increase in rural population. India has different
administrative arrangements for rural and urban areas, which
are based on the 73rd and 74th amendments to the
Constitution of India respectively. Since the census towns

Sustainable Refugee Return

Octobre, 2015

Refugee return is one of the three
so-called durable solutions to refugee displacement
envisaged by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR) and the international community. The objective of
this study is to identify the conditions that influence the
decisions by refugees in protracted displacement regarding
return to their home country - when, why, and by whom are
decisions on return or other coping strategies made, and how

Republic of India--Livelihoods in Intermediate Towns

Octobre, 2015

This report is based on a field study of
two large settlements, Satghara (a census town) and
Bhagwatipur (a rural cluster with 10,000 plus population) in
the Madhubani district of Bihar. The study explores the
social dynamics of the rural non-farm economy by empirically
mapping non-farm occupations in both the settlements. It
examines the dynamics of caste, community, and gender within
the social organization of the non-farm economy in terms of

Discussion document on the preservation and development of agricultural land

Policy Papers & Briefs
Septembre, 2015
Afrique du Sud

The preservation, development and sustainable use of agricultural land are of vital importance to ensure longterm food security in South Africa. These principles of food security as well as an integrated, inclusive rural economy underpin the core focus areas of the National Development Plan, Vision 2030 (NDP).

Job Opportunities along the Rural-Urban Gradation and Female Labor Force Participation in India

Septembre, 2015

The recent decline in India’s rural
female labor force participation is generally attributed to
higher rural incomes in a patriarchal society. Together with
the growing share of the urban population, where female
participation rates are lower, this alleged income effect
does not bode well for the empowerment of women as India
develops. This paper argues that a traditional supply-side
interpretation is insufficient to account for the decline in

The National Solidarity Program

Septembre, 2015

Over the past two decades,
community-based approaches to project delivery have become a
popular means for governments and development agencies to
improve the alignment of projects with the needs of rural
communities and increase the participation of villagers in
project design and implementation. This paper briefly
summarizes the results of an impact evaluation of the
National Solidarity Program, a community-driven development

Managing Agricultural Weather Risks in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Septembre, 2015

Agriculture plays an important role in
the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Most of its production
depends on small family-owned farms, which are greatly
exposed to climatic and price shocks. In order to help small
farmers to manage risks, the federal and state governments
have been carrying out several programs and measures to
reduce and transfer agricultural risks. Santa Catarina ranks
seventh out of 26 Brazilian states in terms of agricultural