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Displaying 373 - 384 of 1732

Good Jobs in Turkey

Août, 2015

This joint study, by the World Bank and
the Turkish Ministry of Development, explores the status and
effects of good jobs in Turkey s current economy. After a
brief account of economic events, it examines the
relationship between growth and employment in Turkey, with a
particular regard to the participation of different social
groups in the labor market, such as women and youth. It then
analyzes where jobs are being created and which activities

Household Energy for Cooking

Août, 2015

Reliance on solid fuels for cooking is
an indicator of energy poverty. Access to modern energy
services - including electricity and clean fuels - is
important for achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
It can also reduce womens domestic burden of collecting
fuelwood and allow them to pursue educational, economic, and
other employment opportunities that can empower them and
lead to increased gender equality. Similarly, the use of

Questões sobre o desenvolvimento produtivo de Moçambique

Journal Articles & Books
Août, 2015

Nas últimas duas décadas, a economia de Moçambique tem crescido a taxas relativamente elevadas, a uma média anual superior a 7%, quase duas vezes mais depressa do que a média para a África Sub-Sahariana, e continuou a crescer rapidamente mesmo com a crise económica internacional prolongada que tem afectado as economias mais desenvolvidas na última década. Além disso, tornou-se numa das três economias africanas que mais investimento directo estrangeiro (IDE) e empréstimos comerciais do sistema financeiro internacional recebe.


Août, 2015

This report assesses the impact of
participation in farmer organizations (FOs) on food security
of rural households in Cambodia. The study is particularly
set out to following: (1) examine FOs’ roles and operation
and challenges for improving household’s food security; (2)
analyze household’s characteristics that determine
participation in FOs; (3) assess the impact of FOs on food
security and livelihood of the rural poor; and (4) provide

Alternative Social Safety Nets in South Sudan

Août, 2015

The purpose of this note is to provide the monetary cost of various social safety net
targeting schemes that can be deployed to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience. It is
believed that gradually switching to the provision of social safety nets can reduce the chronic
dependency on humanitarian (mainly food) aid. At the same time, it could help to alleviate reliance
on patronage networks and switch a portion of the public spending from unproductive uses (e.g.,

Monitoring Welfare and Perceptions in South Sudan 2012–2014

Août, 2015

Since early 2012, the World Bank’s High Frequency South Sudan Survey has collected a panel data set to monitor the welfare and perceptions of citizens in a
selected number of state capitals in South Sudan. This note presents the findings of all six rounds of the survey on the topics of (1) Security, (2) Economic
Conditions, (3) Assets and Consumption, and (4) Access to Services. The results are based on 143 households in Juba, Wau and Rumbek revisited six times.

The Poverty Focus of Country Programs

Août, 2015

The World Bank Group in 2013 made the elimination of extreme poverty by 2030 a central institutional focus and purpose. This evaluation examines how, and how well, the Bank Group has focused its support on poverty reduction over the past decade, and what lessons to draw from this moving forward. The lessons aim to strengthen the Bank’s country diagnostics, improve the design of country strategies, and build greater learning opportunities from program experience.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Août, 2015

This assessment presents a broad picture
of the main gender disparities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
(BiH) in endowments, economic opportunities, and agency. The
report builds on the framework of the 2012 World Bank World
Development Report 2012 on gender and development and the
World Bank’s regional gender report on Europe and Central
Asia: opportunities for men and women, that focuses on the
household and individual members’ bargaining power and their

Braving the Storm

Août, 2015

This note describes the trends in, and
composition of, absolute poverty based on household
expenditures, and is thus concerned, as a matter of policy
objectives, with access of the population to a particular
minimum standard of living. This should be viewed as
complementary to the companion note on social exclusion
based on Europe 2020 indicators including the relative
at-risk-of-poverty (AROP) rate, focuses on low income in

Department of Rural Development on its 4 Quarter 2014/15 & 1st quarter 2015/16 performance & Financial and Fiscal Commission analysis

Legislation & Policies
Août, 2015
Afrique du Sud

The Committee was briefed by the Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) on the expenditure trends and performance of the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) and its entities for 2014/15 and the first quarter of the 2015/16 financial year.

Impact of Property Rights Reform to Support China’s Rural-Urban Integration

Août, 2015

As part of a national experiment, in
2008 Chengdu prefecture implemented ambitious property
rights reforms, including complete registration of all land
together with measures to ease transferability and eliminate
labor market restrictions. This study uses a discontinuity
design with spatial fixed effects to compare 529 villages
just inside and outside the prefecture’s border. The results
suggest that the reforms increased tenure security, aligned

Women in Agriculture

Août, 2015

Migration is transforming rural
economies, landscapes, and potentially, gender relations.
Migration is one of the drivers of the so-called
feminization of agriculture in Latin America. This
feminization has relevance for everyone given agriculture’s
role in regional food security, national shared prosperity,
and household resilience to shocks. The objective of this
study is to investigate the feminization of agriculture as