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Resistance and Contingent Contestations to Large-Scale Land Concessions in Southern Laos and Northeastern Cambodia

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2017

Over the last decade, there have been considerable concerns raised regarding the social and environmental impacts of large-scale land concessions for plantation development in various parts of the world, especially in the tropics, including in Laos and Cambodia. However, there is still much to learn about the various connections and interactions associated with reactions to what are often referred to as “land grabs”, and the ways they are associated or not associated with broader social movements and networks opposed to land grabbing.

Struggling against excuses: winning back land in Cambodia

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2017

This paper focuses on one community in Cambodia that won back land from a large land deal by grabbing onto the rupture in property relations initiated by a one-year land titling campaign. I document the struggle between competing legibility and illegibility projects which I examine through two moments, one of the state choosing to see its population and their relations to territory, and another in which the state’s excuses for not recognizing smallholders’ claims began to falter.

Inside and outside the maps: mutual accommodation and forest destruction in Cambodia

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2017

This article focuses on how climate change mitigation policies and economic land and mining concessions in Prey Lang, Cambodia, accommodate and facilitate each other physically, discursively and economically. Maps and project descriptions reveal that climate-related policies and extraction coexist in the same landscape, even the same projects. Knowledge co-produced by the authors and affected individuals suggests that climate change mitigation initiatives are not only intimately linked to economic intensification in Prey Lang, but they also contribute to conflict and dispossession.

Threats to sustainable development posed by land and water grabbing

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2017

Since small-scale farmers manage most of the cultivated land worldwide, the ongoing shift in systems of production associated with large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) may dramatically reshape the world's agrarian landscape, significantly impacting rural populations and their livelihoods. The societal, hydrological and environmental implications resulting from the expansion of large-scale agricultural production, through LSLAs, make their ultimate sustainability questionable.

Las leyes de minería en Ecuador a fines del siglo XIX: la reconfiguración de la propiedad minera (Debates)

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2017

Reflecting on both the Mining Code of 1886 and the subsequent amendments administered to said code in 1892, this investigation endeavors to evaluate the immense impact that its implementation caused in Ecuador’s geographic space. These laws inaugurated criteria for the demarcation of mining properties; noteworthy acts that strengthened the state’s dominion over subsoil and the obtention of perks concerning concessionaires. The adoption of new mining law principles facilitated the arrival of foreign investors interested in the exploitation of gold-bearing mineral deposits.

Afterword: Land Transformations and Exclusion across Regions

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2017
Viet Nam

ABSTRACTED FROM CHAPTER INTRODUCTION: The preceding chapters of this book give a central place to the Powers of Exclusion framework for understanding transformations in land relations, as developed in our 2011 book on Southeast Asia. A couple of the main aspects of the two books make for an interesting comparison. The first is that each employs a regional frame of reference to explore themes in changing land relations. The second is their respective development and application of a common conceptual framework.

Spread and control of Sosnowsky's hogweed in Rezekne Municipality [Latvia]

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre, 2017

As the area invaded by Sosnowsky’s hogweed increased in Rezekne Municipality, an increasing number of local residents, including agricultural land owners/managers could suffer from coming into contact with this plant. According to research studies, invasive species promote uncontrolled changes in the ecosystem, endangering agriculture and negatively affecting the economy. The research aim is to examine the spread of Sosnowsky's hogweed and the opinions of local residents on the control of this invasive species in Rezekne Municipality.

Ethical aspects of privatization process in the public agriculture sector

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre, 2017

Lease of farm lands is the most important process of proprietorial changes in the state’s agriculture sector. As an effect of turbulent socio-economic conditions and legal solutions resulting from country’s agricultural politics, its share in land’s management has significantly shrunk. Currently there is around 1.1 million ha of land in lease, which makes up for 23% of the land acquired by the Agricultural Property Agency of the State Treasury.

Analysis of changes in transaction prices of undeveloped land in Poland

Décembre, 2017

The subject of the paper is the change trends in the trade in undeveloped land and real properties designated for agricultural and forestry purposes in Poland with respect to the value and surface area of real properties sold. Another aim of the study is to present the differences between average transaction prices of undeveloped real properties designated, among others, for residential, industrial, agricultural and forestry purposes. The research covers the period starting from the accession of Poland into the European Union structures.

Analysis of demand for land consolidation in Milejow commune, Leczna district

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre, 2017

The spatial structure of land in south-eastern Poland is characterized by a high fragmentation, small farms and a road network that is not adjusted to the requirements of modern, mechanized agricultural production. The patchwork pattern of land ownership is one of the main factors that negatively affect agricultural production. Fields located in an external patchwork can be fully used for agricultural production, but the production costs are higher, and the income from the farm is smaller.

Spatial borders of a real-estate ownership title under present legal conditions in Poland

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre, 2017

In the broadly understood process of real estate management owners and users as well as other entities participate, inter alia, banks, courts, notaries, appraisers, managers and intermediaries in property transactions, investors, construction supervision services, and architectural and construction administrative bodies, for which up-to-date, complete information on real estate is a prerequisite for taking appropriate decisions. Since 1989, real estate, and thus information on it, has become an important element of the economic development and functioning of the State.

Relative evaluation of agricultural land for purposes of land consolidation

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre, 2017

The main tasks of land consolidation are to eliminate land fragmentation and to facilitate farms of optimal size. One of the most important preconditions of land consolidation is forming of optimal size farmland plots in property and use, and land fragmentation, which has a major impact on both the operating conditions and other rural development processes. Land fragmentation bothers not only land management, but also increases transport costs. During the land reform in the rural areas, land plots in ownership and rented land plots are developed per several land units.