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"Stop calling me a youth!": Understanding and analysing heterogeneity among Ugandan youth Agripreneurs

Décembre, 2021

The African “youth” population is growing at a fast and steady pace, attracting attention from scholars, policymakers, and politicians. Yet, we know relatively little about this large and heterogeneous segment of the population. This paper presents data from 110 interviews and ten focus groups with youth engaged in commercial agriculture across all four regions of Uganda. Capitalising on this ethnographic data, we provide an analytical framework for studying complexity among the heterogeneous social category of youth agripreneurs.

Conceptualizing women’s empowerment in agrifood systems governance: A new framework

Décembre, 2021

This paper develops a new framework to measure and track women’s empowerment in governance of countries’ agrifood systems. All too often, women’s needs, priorities, and voices are missing from the policy process, even when women may be disproportionately affected by shocks or have distinct policy preferences. The Women’s Empowerment in Agrifood Systems Governance (WEAGov) is an assessment framework to help countries and stakeholders measure the extent of inclusion and leadership of women in agrifood systems governance and to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.

Zambia: ClimBeR Inception Workshop Report

Décembre, 2021

The CGIAR Initiative on Climate Resilience, ClimBeR, aims to transform the climate adaptation capacity of food, land, and water systems in Zambia and five other low- and middle-income countries, ultimately increasing the resilience of smallholder production systems to withstand severe climate change effects like drought, flooding, and high temperatures.  

Urban farmers coping strategies in the wake of urbanization and changing market in Tamale, Northern Ghana

Décembre, 2021

Vegetable cultivation is a survival strategy for the urban population, especially with the increasing population, urbanization, and high unemployment rate. For decades, men have practiced vegetable cultivation in Tamale's metropolitan city, with women being involved at the last node of the value chain – marketing. Women are known as market queens, and culturally, sell foodstuff in the market, unlike men who can’t do the same. These market queens buy vegetables from farm gates and sell them at wholesale prices to other market women who retail them in the market.

What peace means for deforestation: An analysis of local deforestation dynamics in times of conflict and peace in Colombia

Décembre, 2021

This analysis provides insights on deforestation dynamics in Colombia in times of conflict and peace and the different factors driving these dynamics. We used time series clustering of yearly deforestation data (2001–2018) from 708 municipalities and regression models to identify drivers that explain local-level deforestation dynamics. Municipalities were characterized by seven categories of deforestation dynamics, with six of the categories exhibiting increases in deforestation in the years after the peace agreement.

Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA): Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for Pilot of Climate Smart Agricultural Innovations and Climate Information Service Technologies in Ghana

Décembre, 2021

This Environment and Social Management Pan (ESMP) has been developed by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) to clarify (i) the measures that will be taken during the implementation of project activities to eliminate or offset adverse E&S impacts, or to reduce them to acceptable levels; and (ii) actions needed to implement these measures during the implementation of the Accelerating Impact of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project activities in Ghana.

Polycentric governance model for transformative adaptation in Morocco: Transformative adaptation options

Décembre, 2021

This paper developed an inventory of adaptation options implemented in the last two decades in Morocco. The agricultural development strategies and plans, set up since the early 2000s, targeting investments to modernize different economic sectors, were the Rural development strategy (RDS, 2008-2008), Green Morocco Plan (GMP, 2008-2020), and Generation Green (GG, 2022-2030). The GMP comprised a slew of adaptation options to address the climate risks and new socio-economic challenges with public and private participation. The main adaptation options were 1).

Sustainable food system country profiles for low- and middle-income countries. Methodology outline

Décembre, 2021

There is a need to find a “middle ground” whereby the complexity, dynamic, and multi-sectoral/multi-actors nature of food systems is captured and boiled down to a handful of key indicators that help prioritize entry points for interventions. Furthermore, the process of identifying those selected indicators needs to follow a clear, transparent, and reproducible protocol/methodology so that comparison between countries (and over time) is also possible.

Adaptive Social Protection: An Integrated Approach to Development

Décembre, 2021

The International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) in collaboration with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), developed discussion briefs that would further enhance the knowledge of ClimBeR’s stakeholders on resilience, inclusiveness and women empowerment in climate change adaptation in the Philippines. This brief discusses social equity in the context of adaptive social protection.

Data-driven similar response units for agricultural technology targeting: an example from Ethiopia

Décembre, 2021

Ethiopia has heterogeneous topographic, climatic and socio-ecological systems. Recommendations of agricultural inputs and management practices based on coarse domains such as agro-ecological zones (AEZ) may not lead to accurate targeting, mainly due to large intra-zone variations. The lack of well-targeted recommendations may contribute to the underperformance of promising technologies. Therefore, there is a need to define units where similar environmental and biophysical features prevail, based on which specific recommendations can be made for similar response units (SRUs).