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Lessons from 11 years of CCAFS: Lessons to support the methane pledge

Décembre, 2021

"Why agriculture and trade matter in GHG mitigation pathways", presented by Lini Wollenberg for the OECD - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Virtual Workshop. From "Mitigating GHG Emissions in Agriculture in an Interconnected World" on April 11-12 2022. This presentation covers the elements of a global strategy, priorities for coordinated action, IPCC, and global food systems emissions. Additional resources listed are the CCAFS AgLED website, Agrochain emissions calculator (ACE), Our World in Data, and FAO emission intensity and food systems data.

Exemplary features of digital tools for agroecology: A global review

Décembre, 2021

â—¼ Few digital tools support agroecology comprehensively, but many have agroecological components.
â—¼ Features that improved two-way farmer communication, targeting of farmer subgroups, farmer-driven content and use of human intermediaries were exemplary features for social inclusion.
â—¼ Exemplary features for technical advisory tools included context-specific technical options, use of videos, integration with coaching and hotlines for questions, and two-way communication.

Polycentric governance for small water supply systems: A case study in Kajiado, Kenya

Décembre, 2021

The Water Integrity Network (WIN) conducted a study focusing on credible evidence on the impact of the Integrity Management Toolbox on Small Water Supply Systems at two levels, principally at the service delivery, governance and compliance with applicable rules and regulations. The subject of evaluation was the water supply system and the management model by which the water system is run (community group or water service provider) in Kajiado County, a pastoralist area that is mainly occupied by the Masaai.

Cattle ranching in Colombia: A monolithic industry?

Décembre, 2021

This article analyzes literature on the history of cattle ranching and agricultural innovation adoption in Colombia to understand how livestock production systems have evolved from the 1950s until today. Departing from new scholarship that has questioned the idea that cattle ranching has been only a land-grabbing strategy dominated by few elites, this article focuses on the adoption of improved pastures and the role of key institutions such as the CIAT on the transformation of practices and the shortcomings of technification.

Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA): Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for Pilot of Climate Smart Agricultural Innovations and Climate Information Service Technologies in Mali

Décembre, 2021

This Environment and Social Management Pan (ESMP) has been developed by AfricaRice to clarify (i) the measures that will be taken during the implementation of project activities to eliminate or offset adverse E&S impacts, or to reduce them to acceptable levels; and (ii) actions needed to implement these measures during the implementation of the Accelerating Impact of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project activities in Mali.

Task Force on Principles and Metrics for Innovation in Sustainable Agri-food Systems: Final Report

Décembre, 2021
Sri Lanka

A huge increase in investment for innovation in sustainable agri-food systems (SAS) will be critical for meeting the objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement. Currently only a small fraction of investment addresses environmental or social goals together with productivity increase. A major challenge for both innovators and innovation investors is determining whether an investment ‘counts’ as one likely to promote both environmental and/or social sustainability.

Socially inclusive digital tools for agriculture: A way forward

Décembre, 2021

◼ Socially inclusive digital tools are necessary to support diverse smallholder farmers’ access to digital services such as technical advice and access to markets. Improving smallholders’ access to digital resources and providing tool functions and features that enhance social inclusion are both necessary.
◼ Tool features that enable two-way communication, multiple channels of communication, co-creation of practices, and farmers’ demonstration plots support more inclusive technical advisory services.

Data-driven similar response units for agricultural technology targeting: An example from Ethiopia

Décembre, 2021

Ethiopia has heterogeneous topographic, climatic and socio-ecological systems. Recommendations of agricultural inputs and management practices based on coarse domains such as agro-ecological zones (AEZ) may not lead to accurate targeting, mainly due to large intra-zone variations. The lack of well-targeted recommendations may contribute to the underperformance of promising technologies. Therefore, there is a need to define units where similar environmental and biophysical features prevail, based on which specific recommendations can be made for similar response units (SRUs).

The comparative performance of land sharing, land sparing type interventions on place-based human well-being

Décembre, 2021

Environment-facing interventions impact the distribution, use of and access of natural resources and have important implications for all dimensions (material, relational, quality of life) of human well-being (HWB). Yet conventional impact metrics routinely surpass the non-material impacts which may be particularly salient in rural contexts where small-scale farmers depend directly on the land and biodiversity. Furthermore, little is known about the comparative performance of distinct interventions along a land-sharing, versus land sparing gradient, on local definitions of HWB.