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Toward a digital One CGIAR: Strategic research on digital transformation in food, land, and water systems in a climate crisis

Décembre, 2020

The global research consortium CGIAR is restructuring itself to build a more integrated global organization (“One CGIAR”) that fully leverages its strengths and refocuses its research strategy through 2030 in service of a renewed mission: End hunger—through science to transform food, land, and water systems in a climate crisis.

Designing climate resilient agricultural systems with some examples from India

Décembre, 2020

For the purposes of this short review, we will focus on CSA as it relates to decisions made at the farm level and may encompass single technological innovations (e.g., a more heat or drought tolerant crop variety), packages of innovations (e.g., a bundle of agronomic practices with climate information for decision-making) through to the design of farms and farming systems to cope with climate variability and extreme events. Examples from semi-arid farming systems in India are used.

Kenya County Climate Risk Profile: Kirinyaga County

Décembre, 2020

County Climate Risk Profiles are a key tool to guide climate smart agriculture (CSA) investments and priorities at the county level in Kenya. These documents provide analyses of the underlying causes of vulnerability and on-going and potential climate change adaptation strategies. They also provide a snapshot of the enabling environment for building resilience by providing a synthesis of the policy, institutional and governance context.

Avena sativa AV25-T (Altoandina) supplementation as alternative for Colombia's high-altitude dairy systems: An economic analysis

Décembre, 2020

In the Colombian high-altitude tropics (2,200–3,000 m.a.s.l.), Kikuyu grass (Cenchrus clandestinus) is the main feed source for the dairy system. This grass species has good characteristics regarding adaptability and productivity, but is affected by frost, grass bugs (Collaria spp.) and precipitation-related production seasonality. Forage deficits might thus be a problem at several times in a year. As a strategy to maintain production stable, dairy farmers use commercial feed concentrates increasing their production costs.

Environmental risks from pesticide use: the case of commercial banana farming in northern Lao PDR

Décembre, 2020

Commercial farming of banana for export has rapidly expanded across northern uplands of Laos since 2008 with the establishment of new plantations by foreign companies. Heavy reliance on agrochemical usage warrants examination of possible environmental and human health risks. This study presents a preliminary assessment of the environmental risks from pesticide usage associated with bananas and other major crops in Oudomxay province.

An evaluation of emerging feed additives to reduce methane emissions from livestock

Décembre, 2020
New Zealand

The inclusion of feed additives in livestock diets or supplements is a routine global nutritional management practice. Consequently, the existing commercial feed additive marketing and delivery pathways will be able to deliver rapid market penetration of feed additives specifically developed to reduce enteric methane emissions. So, the delivery path is clear, but are the methane mitigating additives available, effective, and are there any constraints or risks associated with their use?

Global commitments to conserving and monitoring genetic diversity are now necessary and feasible

Décembre, 2020

Global conservation policy and action have largely neglected protecting and monitoring genetic diversity—one of the three main pillars of biodiversity. Genetic diversity (diversity within species) underlies species’ adaptation and survival, ecosystem resilience, and societal innovation.

How women’s empowerment affects farm production and dietary quality in East Africa

Décembre, 2020

Malnutrition remains a key global challenge constraining social and economic development in most developing countries. Although women can play an important role in improving household diet quality, their participation is constrained by limited access to productive resources. Women’s empowerment in agriculture is a viable strategy for improving dietary quality, but investigations on the important type(s) of empowerment are inconclusive.

Bragging, shirking, and hiding: Spousal disagreement among Ugandan maize farmers

Décembre, 2020
United States of America

To gain a better understanding of intrahousehold bargaining processes, surveys increasingly collect data from co-heads individually. Answers provided by spouses on the same set of questions often differ substantially, alternately attributed to measurement error, poor framing within the cultural context that leads to systematic biases, or other common challenges associated with surveys. However, recent studies suggest that differences in responses from co-heads may also be caused by spouses strategically hiding information from each other.

Funding Agricultural Innovation for the Global South: Does it Promote Sustainable Agricultural Intensification? Methodology Report

Décembre, 2020
Sri Lanka

This document illustrates in detail the research and modelling methodology followed to estimate funding on innovation in agriculture, innovation in SAI, and break-down by various tags and conducted by Dalberg Advisors Asia. This report aims to serve as a guide to replicating the research and analysis for future studies.

Farm management and varietal choice in cassava-based production systems in Colombia

Décembre, 2020

Cassava is a commodity root crop grown globally for food and industrial purposes. In Colombia, it is the ninth most planted agricultural product involving more than 140 thousand farmers. Despite the key role it plays in the Colombian agricultural sector, information regarding the crop’s management or how cassava growers select on cultivars to grow for different purposes is limited or inexistent. This working paper exploits two separate primary data surveys at household-level in the Caribbean region and Cauca main cassava growing areas of Colombia.

Genetic Resources 2(3)

Décembre, 2020

Genetic Resources is an open access journal disseminating global knowledge and tools used by the community of practitioners of plant, animal and forest genetic resources involved in monitoring, collecting, maintaining, conserving, characterizing and using genetic resources for food, agriculture and forestry. Genetic Resources publishes original research as well as methods, strategies, guidelines, case studies or reviews on a variety of topics of interest on the present and future use of genetic resources.