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Displaying 1933 - 1944 of 2311

Savannah Sound Commonage Rules (Cap. 152).


These Rules, made under section 11 of the Commonage Act, concern commoners in the Savannah Sound area. The Rules require commoners to register with the Commissioner and specify conditions for registration as a commoner and the application for land by a commoner. The Rules also, among other things: regulate elections and meetings of commoners; provide rules regarding the setting of fire to land; provide for resolution of disputes between commoners in relating to the use of land by the Land Policy Committee; and secure free access to water resources by commoners.

Decreto Nº 982 - Modifica el Decreto Nº 2.664, que reglamenta la Ley Nº 160 de 1994, en lo relacionado con los procedimientos para la adjudicación de terrenos baldíos y su recuperación.

Amérique du Sud

El presente Decreto modifica el que dispone que el Instituto Colombiano de la Reforma Agraria (INCORA) administre en nombre del Estado las tierras baldías de propiedad nacional, y en virtud de esa atribución pueda adjudicarlas, celebrar contratos, constituir reservas y adelantar colonizaciones sobre ellas, en relación al procedimiento y requisitos para la adjudicación de un terreno baldío.

Ministerial Decree No. 316 of 2000 regarding validation of the Regulation on carrying out state cadastre valuation of land.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

The Government, for the purpose of putting into order state cadastre valuation of land on the territory of the Russian Federation, decrees to validate the Regulation. This Regulation determines the modalities of carrying out state cadastre valuation of land as regards all the categories of land on the territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of taxation and other purposes established by law. State Committee on Land Policy, its territorial branches and its subordinate enterprises and organizations carry out state cadastre valuation of land.

Resolution No. 1 of 2000 issuing the Implementing Regulation of Legislative Decree No. 28 of 1999 on the establishment and organization of industrial zones.

Asie occidentale

This Implementing Regulation is composed of 32 articles. Article 1 gives terms and definitions. Article 2 charges the Committee of Industrial Zones Affairs to propose and define areas and sites for the establishment of industries. Articles 3 to 5 define competencies of the Department of Industrial Zones, in particular to: divide industrial zones by the cooperation with Physical Planning Department and with the Environment Apparatus; prepare maps; and, keep a register for industrial zones.

Mining Operations Council of Ministers Regulations No. 182/1994.

Afrique orientale

These Regulations of the Council of Ministers provide rules relative to large-scale and small-scale mining operations. The rules concern, among other things: (a) the issue, renewal or revocation of a prospecting licence or an exploration licence; (b) notice of discovery of minerals; (c) verification and certification of a discovery; (d) rights and obligations of licencees; (e) fees, royalties and other payments; (f) offences and sanctions; (g) dispute settlement; and (h) powers and duties of the Controller.The Controller, i.e.

Order No. 1 of the State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy and Cartography validating the Regulation on land valuation.

Europe orientale

This Order establishes the modalities of valuation of the plots of land owned by natural persons and subject to avowry. Land valuation shall be carried out by district and city executive bodies in the place of location of land plots. In case of dispute between landowner and land valuer as regards land value landowner shall have the right to turn to independent experts or appeal to court. Land plots shall be valued in accordance with normative price of land allotted in private ownership.

Acuerdo Nº 75/00 - Reglamento de mediación.

Amérique centrale

El presente Reglamento, que consta de 3 capítulos y 15 artículos, tiene como objeto regular el procedimiento a seguir y los derechos y deberes de las partes, mediadores, asesores y representantes en el tramite de mediación institucional establecido en la Ley Nº 278, Ley sobre propiedad reformada urbana y agraria de 1997. Por tratarse de procesos de mediación institucional, administrados por la Oficina Nacional de Mediación, todo proceso de mediación se llevara a cabo en las instalaciones que disponga la mencionada Oficina y con mediadores certificados por ésta.

Acuerdo Nº 76/00 - Reglamento de arbitraje.

Amérique centrale

El presente Reglamento, que consta de 3 capítulos y 13 artículos, tiene como objeto regular aspectos administrativos y reglamentarios de los procesos arbitrales establecidos en la Ley Nº 278, Ley sobre propiedad reformada urbana y agraria de 1997. La Corte Suprema de Justicia, a través de la Oficina Nacional de Arbitraje, será la institución a cargo de la administración de los procesos arbitrales.

Implementa: Ley Nº 278 - Ley sobre propiedad reformada urbana y agraria. (1997-12-12)

Acuerdo Nº 77/00 - Reglamento operativo de la Dirección de Resolución Alterna de Conflictos.

Amérique centrale

El presente Reglamento operativo, que consta de 4 capítulos y 17 artículos, crea la Dirección de Resolucion Alterna de Conflictos de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, con el encargo de brindar el marco institucional y técnico necesario para el funcionamiento de la mediación y el arbitraje como métodos alternos para la solución de conflictos relativos a la propiedad, de conformidad con la Ley Nº 278, en coordinación con el sistema de la propiedad existente y del cual forman parte la Procuraduría General de Justicia y la Intendencia de la Propiedad.

Regulations on the reorganisation of agricultural enterprises and organisations (No. 522 of 1996).

Fédération de Russie
Asie central

This Regulation concerns the reorganization of (collective) enterprises and transformation of those enterprises in structures that are more apt to raise the motivation of persons involved in enterprises, and regulates various matters relating to reorganization, such as "dehkan" farms. The form of enterprises shall be decided by the members of collective enterprises subject to directives from the State Commission for the reorganization of agricultural enterprises. "Interfarming and innerfarming" objects may be transferred to the proper ministries and departments.