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Myanmar Forest Information and Data

Reports & Research

TROPICAL RAINFORESTS: Deforestation rates tables and charts

"According to the U.N. FAO, 48.3% or about 31,773,000 ha of Myanmar is forested, according to FAO. Of this 10.0% ( 3,192,000 ) is classified as primary forest, the most biodiverse and carbon-dense form of forest. Myanmar had 988,000 ha of planted forest.

Change in Forest Cover: Between 1990 and 2010, Myanmar lost an average of 372,250 ha or 0.95% per year. In total, between 1990 and 2010, Myanmar lost 19.0% of its forest cover, or around 7,445,000 ha.


Reports & Research

Objectives of the DMH is as follows:
(1) To take precautionary measures against and minimize the effects of natural disasters
(2) To promote safety, comfort, efficiency and regularity of air, land (rail & road), sea and inland water transportation.
(3) To bring sustainable development of natural resources (hydro electric power, forest produce, water use, wind energy, etc.)
(4) To promote agricultural and food production.

Lake Inle (190)

Reports & Research

Stand on the Shan Plateau, and you'll see mountains everywhere, stretching far and wide. Under your feet lies rocky soil rich with silver, rubies, and sapphires. But the real gem here is Lake Inle. One of Myanmar's few freshwater lakes, Inle contains many unique species of fish.

Lake Inle lies 2,952 feet (900 m) above sea level on the Shan Plateau, an extensive region of high mountain ranges crisscrossed by streams and the mighty Salween River. Inle is a shallow mountain lake that contains several islands and is fed by mountain streams...

Myanmar Climate Change Watch

Reports & Research

An apocalyptic series of earthquakes, cyclones, tsunamis and floods in the region has spooked everyone. Many people have turned to soothsayers and astrologers for advice about any impending natural disasters.

But rather than consult the Mayan calender or a fortune-teller, The Irrawaddy reporter Min Naing Thu interviewed Dr Tun Lwin, the former director-general of Burma's Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH).

Multidisciplinary approach to assess the water self-depuration characteristics of Suquía River (Córdoba, Argentina)

Journal Articles & Books

We analyzed the following characteristics of water self-depuration capacity along a polluted river (Suquía River) in Argentina: a) abundance of microbial metabolic groups, b) cover and type of vegetation, and c) type and concentration of soil and sediment humic substances. The objective was to establish the modifications of water self-depuration characteristics of the polluted sites in comparison to a reference site, in order to provide basic data for ecological restoration programs.

LIDAR-based estimation of bole biomass for precision management of an Amazonian forest: comparisons of ground-based and remotely sensed estimates.

Journal Articles & Books

Based on airborne LIDAR data on canopymorphology and height of Amazon forest trees, we developed allometric models to estimate dry biomass stored in the boles of dominant and co-dominant individuals and compared these results with those from equations based on traditional variables such as diameter at breast height (DBH). The database consisted of 142 trees of interest for logging in a forest under management for timber in Brazil's state of Acre.

Potencial socioeconômico da atividade florestal na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável - Piagaçu Purus, Amazonas Central

Reports & Research

La Reserva de Desenvolvimiento Ssustentable Piagaçu Purus ( Corazón grande del Purus originado de la lengua Tupi), creada con una área de aproximadamente de 1.008.167 has (Un millón ocho mil ciento y sesenta y siete hectáreas), con la creación de la reserva indígena Itixi- Mitari con180.850 has. Pasa a tener 827.317 has. Se encuentra localizada entre las coordenadas geográficas 4º05' e 5º35' S e 61º73' e 63º35' W, en la región central del estado del Amazonas.

Pastura natural de Salto (Uruguay): relación con la variabilidad climática y análisis de contextos futuros de cambio climático

Journal Articles & Books

En este trabajo se evaluó objetivamente la relación entre la variabilidad del rendimiento de la pastura en el departamento de Salto (Uruguay) y la variabilidad climática. Se analizaron también las posibles implicancias del cambio climático futuro. Se utilizaron datos diarios y mensuales de la estación meteorológica Salto en el período 1961-1990 y un registro de datos experimentales de crecimiento de pastura en el período 1980-1994. Adicionalmente, se emplearon salidas diarias de reanálisis del NCEP y de los Modelos de Circulación General HadCM3 y CSIRO-Mk2 para los escenarios A2 y B2.

Rol de la minería y el ferrocarril en el desmote del oeste riojano y catamarqueño (Argentina) en el período 1851-1942

Journal Articles & Books

Se describen e interpretan los procesos de deforestación de los bosques de algarrobo en el oeste de La Rioja y Catamarca, entre 1851 y 1942, asociados al desmonte producido por los procesos de modernización económica, en general, y por la minería y por el Ferrocarril Argentino del Norte, en particular.A partir de estadísticas ferroviarias y otras fuentes documentales se trabajó sobre la Región Biogeográfica del Monte, concretamente en los valles y bolsones del oeste riojano y catamarqueño, donde se produjo una importante explotación forestal de bosques nativos, con fuerte presencia de espec

Impacto de la expansion urbana sobre la sustentabilidad ambiental del litoral de la bahia de huanchaco - peru

Reports & Research

Se presenta resultados del “Impacto de la expansión urbana sobre la sustentabilidad ambiental del litoral de la Bahía de Huanchaco-Perú“; los cuales están referidos a mostrar los principales indicadores de deterioro ambiental generado por el crecimiento poblacional y la presión urbana.