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AICCRA validation report: Piloting and validating the Climate Security Sensitivity Scoring Tool (CSST): Evidence from the field on the climate security sensitivity of the climate smart village approach in Cinzana, Mali.

Décembre, 2022

A one-day workshop in Ségou, Mali was organized to test the results of the Climate Security Sensitivity Tool (CSST) and reflect on the reliability of its recommendations. This document reports on the results of the CSST piloted on the Climate Smart Village (CSV) approach implemented in Cinzana and on the outcomes of the workshop that reflected upon these results and recommendations.

How does climate exacerbate root causes of conflict in Zambia? Climate security pathway analysis

Décembre, 2022

Zambia has historically qualified as a regional model of stability and peace. However, this status is being undermined by several socio-political factors, including deeply entrenched patterns of social inequality and gender discrimination, high levels of poverty and youth unemployment, as well as recurring episodes of electoral violence. Climate and extreme weather events compound most of these vulnerabilities and even create new ones, generating societal dynamics that will likely increase social tensions with greater risk of insecurity.

Sustainable beef labeling in Latin America and the Caribbean: Initiatives, developments, and bottlenecks

Décembre, 2022

Scientific research is increasingly conclusive regarding the responsibility of food production in environmental issues, a situation that contrasts with greater consumer awareness. In this context, sustainability labels for meat have emerged, which offer a guarantee that production is based on principles of animal welfare, and carbon neutrality, among others. Since research on this subject is scarce, the objective of this article is to identify and analyze the initiatives and development of this type of labeling in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Fish and fish-based products in Timor-Leste’s School Meal Program: Understanding existing use, challenges, opportunities and research needs

Décembre, 2022

Workshop with government agencies and organisations involved in Timor-Leste’s School Meal Program (PME) shared experiences about using fish in the program and identified focal areas for research. There is wide recognition for the role of aquatic foods and that greater inclusion of aquatic foods in the program requires cooperation and collaboration between partners. Not enough fish is produced in Timor-Leste for
domestic supply to meet demand and PME goals. There is a need to build school level capacity for
planning, procurement and meal preparation with aquatic foods.

Brainstorming workshop and experts consultation on soil salinity monitoring and mapping: perspectives from Global South

Décembre, 2022

This workshop was hosted and organized by CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center) with support from ICARDA (International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas), Egypt. The workshop was supported by ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research and ISRO-SAC (Indian Space Research Organization-Space Applications Centre), India. This activity is mapped under two CGIAR initiatives.

African climate processes, actors and institutions: What this means for farmers

Décembre, 2022

The overall objective of the study is to outline and unpack climate change processes and identify important actors and institutions at national, regional, and global levels and their specific roles in curbing climate change. This study is aimed to establish how farmers’ organizations can engage, collaborate, build partnerships, cooperate, and act with synergy in promoting awareness and recognition of farmers issues.

Desk review report on policy priorities and opportunities, and social equity considerations 

Décembre, 2022

This document will be a reference point in engaging stakeholders to influence policy through the iFEED process. The stakeholders identified will be grouped into working groups based on ratings on areas of interest and positions to integrate iFEED results to influence policies at various levels. Work Package 3 will work closely with stakeholders to organise stakeholder engagements for iFEED by convening and coordinating the activities of working groups.

Sustainable intensification of small-scale aquaculture production in Myanmar through diversification and better management practices

Décembre, 2022

Small-scale aquaculture systems can contribute significantly to food and nutritional security, poverty alleviation, and rural development, especially in developing countries. However, the intensification of aquaculture systems often has negative environmental outcomes. The adoption of diversification practices (e.g. polyculture, pond-dike cropping (PDC)) and better management practices (BMPs) has been identified as a possible approach to intensify sustainably small-scale aquaculture production.

CGIAR GENDER Platform: Evaluation Report

Décembre, 2022

The summative and formative evaluation of the GENDER (Generating Evidence and New Directions for Equitable Results) Platform assessed its progress from January 2020 to October 2022, to document lessons and best practices, to also provide forward-looking recommendations for the newly transitioned CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform. The evaluation was conducted between October 2022 – June 2023 by the external team, which was led by an evaluation expert and comprised of three subject matter experts to specifically address Evidence, Methods, and Alliances modules of the Platform.

Institutional mapping of adaptation options in Malwathu Oya, Yan Oya and Mi Oya river basins in Sri Lanka

Décembre, 2022
Sri Lanka

This report examines the nature of polycentric governance and transformative characteristics adaptation options in Sri Lanka. The report focuses on four major climate adaptation projects implemented in recent years, namely Climate Resilient Integrated Water Management Project (CRIWMP), Climate Resilience Improvement Project (CRIP), Climate Smart Irrigation Agriculture Project (CSIAP), and the Northwestern Province Canal Project (NWPCP).

Intra and interhousehold resource allocation and utilization: Insight from SI-FMS baseline surveys in Malawi and Ghana

Décembre, 2022

Focusing on gender, this study describes mixed farming systems using data collected for monitoring, evaluation, learning, and impact assessment (MELIA) from 1268 household heads, 838 spouses, and 2731 plots in Malawi; and 1317 household heads, 1302 spouses, and 4017 plots in Ghana. The study also includes the perception of selected gender norms among household heads and spouses in Ghana.