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Mobilité en milieu rural

Manuals & Guidelines
Mars, 2021

Si, à l’échelle mondiale, la population est majoritairement urbaine, la plupart des pays d’intervention de l’AFD sont profondément ruraux, avec une population rurale qui représente jusqu’à 70 % à 80 % de la population. L’absence ou l’obsolescence des systèmes ruraux de transportgrève l’accès aux services économiques et aux services sociaux de base, aboutissant à une concentration de la pauvreté en zone rurale et une faible attractivité économique et un faible développement agricole.

Quelques pistes de réflexion pour une tenure forestière paritaire : Manuel du praticien

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Mars, 2021

Ce manuel du praticien explique comment promouvoir une réforme des régimes forestiers communautaires qui soit proactive en faveur de l’égalité des sexes. Ce manuel s’adresse à celles et ceux qui tentent de relever ce défi dans les pays en développement. Il n’existe pas d’approche unique pour réformer les pratiques de tenure forestière afin de parvenir à l’égalité femmes-hommes et à l’autonomisation des femmes.

Préserver les terres de pâturage et de parcours au Niger

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mars, 2021

Les terres de pâturage et de parcours soutiennent l’économie nationale et la vie de 95% de la population du Niger concernée par l’élevage. Sur le terrain, les politiques et investissements semblent donner plus d’attention aux terres de culture qu’aux terres de pâturage. Ainsi, entre 1975 et 2013, le Niger a enregistré une régression des terres de pâturage de 15% associée à une augmentation des terres de culture de 94%.

Peoples' Climate Vote. Results

Journal Articles & Books
Mars, 2021

UNDP's "Peoples' Climate Vote" reflects over half the world's population after results processed by the University of Oxford. Sixty-four percent of people believe climate change is a global emergency, despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic

FUTURE BRIEF: The solution is in nature

Journal Articles & Books
Mars, 2021

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) work with nature to benefit both natural ecosystems and the people that depend on them. By putting nature at the centre, NbS address a range of societal challenges: protecting, sustainably managing or restoring natural or modified ecosystems and supporting their health, function and biodiversity.

The research collated in this brief confirms that NbS deliver simultaneously multiple benefits and shows the wide-ranging beneficial impacts of scaling up their implementation across Europe.

Forest Area Changes in Cinque Terre National Park in the Last 80 Years. Consequences on Landslides and Forest Fire Risks

Peer-reviewed publication
Mars, 2021
United States of America

Cinque Terre, one of the most important Italian cultural landscapes, has not been spared from depopulation and agricultural abandonment processes, that involved many rural areas in Europe, as a consequence of socio-economic transformations that occurred after WWII. Depopulation of rural areas, especially in mountains or in terraced areas, caused significant environmental consequences, such as the decrease of biodiversity, the landscape homogenization, the increase of hydrogeological and forest fires risks.

Building Agroforestry Policy Bottom-Up: Knowledge of Czech Farmers on Trees in Farmland

Peer-reviewed publication
Mars, 2021
Czech Republic
United States of America

Czech agriculture is dealing with the consequences of climate change. Agroforestry cultures are being discursively reintroduced for better adaptability and resilience, with the first practical explorations seen in the field. Scholars have been working with farmers and regional stakeholders to establish a baseline for making agroforestry policy viable and sustainable.

Mapping Together: A Guide to Monitoring Forest and Landscape Restoration Using Collect Earth Mapathons

Journal Articles & Books
Février, 2021
El Salvador

Mapping Together helps people use Collect Earth mapathons to monitor tree-based restoration. Collect Earth enables users to create precise data that can show where trees are growing outside the forest across farms, pasture, and urban areas and how the landscape has changed over time. Building on WRI and FAO’s Road to Restoration, a guide that helps people make tough choices and set realistic goals for restoring landscapes, Mapping Together takes this process one step further.

Progress Towards the SDG Land Degradation and Restoration Commitments

Reports & Research
Février, 2021

Since the commitments and reporting requirements of the SDGs ov erlap significantly with those of the UNFCCC and UNCCD, policy designe rs have mutually reinforcing incentives to advance this SDG commitment. When env ironmental degradation is minimized and restoration efforts are prioritized , ecosystems can sequester and store more carbon and lessen the impact of some c limate change effects.

Life on land: Why it matters

Reports & Research
Février, 2021

What’s the goal here? To sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss. Two billion hectares of land on Earth are degraded, affecting some 3.2 billion people, driving species to extinction and intensifying climate change. Goal 15: Life on land Human life depends on the earth as much as the ocean for our sustenance and livelihoods. Plant life provides 80 percent of the human diet, and we rely on agriculture as an important economic resources.