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This Regulation prescribes the content and manner for the correct keeping of the Central register of planning documents (including various sectors, such as land planning, physical planning and construction).The Annex is an integral part of this Regulation.


This Regional Law establishes the modalities of calculation of land lease fees, terms and conditions of payment thereof for public land and for land with undefined land ownership. Rates of land lease fees shall be established in percentage depending upon purposeful and authorized types of land…


This Regional Decree establishes the modalities of performance of municipal land control by local government. Municipal land control shall be conducted in the form of ordinary and extraordinary inspections of legal persons and individual entrepreneurs. The subject of inspection shall be checking…


Sanitary and other conditions of storage, neutralisation and utilisation of liquid urban wastes are determined in the Annex to this Decree. Technological instructions regarding the operation of neutralisation plants must be presented for approval to the territorially competent inspector of the…


This Regional Law establishes that size ceilings of the plots of land that can simultaneously pertain to private property of the citizens engaged in subsidiary small-holding are limited to 5 hectares. Utmost (maximum and minimum) size ceilings of the plots of land conceded to the citizens out of…


This Regional Law establishes cases of allotment of land parcels out of stock of public and municipal land to citizens free of charge for individual housing construction. It classifies categories of citizens entitled to the aforesaid allotment of public and municipal land. Land shall be allotted…


The Order applies to all animal fertilizers (manure). Its purpose is to set regulations on standards for the establishment of animal keeping compounds and the storage of such biomass. In Chapter 2 it sets regulations on the establishment of facilities, as well as extensions and modifications…


The Decision 1190 of 2009 lays down the framework of the National Agency of Territory Planning (NATP) as a legal entity under the authority of the Minister of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunication. The Decision is composed of the following Chapters: General Provisions (I), NATP…


The Act, which is composed of eight Chapters, lays down principles of protection of agricultural and forest lands, recultivation and improvement of land quality. Agricultural lands are protected by: limitation of their allocation for other purposes; prevention from degradation and devastation;…


This Order consolidates with amendments the permitted development provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Development Order 1988 and subsequent amending instruments. A separate order, the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995 (S.I. 1995/419),…


The Decision No. 445 of 2010 proclaims the archeological zone A of the city of Elbasan according to the map attached to it and approves the regulation for its administration. The Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports is the responsible authority for its implementation. The regulation…


Foreign legal or natural persons may acquire the ownership of real estates, other than arable land or protected natural area, after obtaining the permit of the responsible public administration office of Budapest or the county. The permit has to be issued if the acquisition of ownership by…