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Article 8.1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Registration of citizens having the right to allotment of public land plots free of charge shall be performed by local government competent in distribution of land”.
Amends: Regional Law No. 23-Z “On regulation of land relations…


These Regulations amend the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990 in relation to Wales by inserting a new regulation 3B that makes provision in respect of the requirement for access statements to accompany applications for listed building consent. The new provision…


This Regional Law establishes the modalities of performance of municipal land control by local government. Municipal land control shall be conducted in the form of ordinary and extraordinary inspections of legal persona and individual entrepreneurs. The subject of inspection shall be checking…


The Act applies to stone, gravel, sand, clay, lime, chalk, peat, topsoil and similar elements. Exploitation of mineral deposits on land and sea must be part of a sustainable development plan which purpose is to ensure monitoring of mining areas after extraction, raw material supply, ensure that…


This Ministerial Decree establishes that land shall be classified by categories according to Land Code. The classification shall be as follows: (a) arable land; (b) long-fallow land; (c) land under perennial cover; (d) meadow land; (d) forest land; (e) land under plantations and shrubbery not…


This Decree establishes the modalities of state registration of transfer of ownership of the plots of land in case of purchase and sale thereof and registration of land purchase and sale contracts. Land purchase and sale contracts shall be concluded in written form. The contracts shall be…


Article 4 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional Legislative Assembly shall be competent public authority in the sphere of establishment of maximum and minimum land area pertaining to public or municipal ownership that is subject to transfer for farming”.
Amends: Regional…


This Regional Law establishes the modalities of performance of municipal land control by local government. Municipal land control shall be conducted in the form of ordinary and extraordinary inspections of legal persona and individual entrepreneurs. The subject of inspection shall be checking…


These Regulations amend the Land Registration Rules 1972 in relation with application for first registration where purchase money or compensation does not exceed a specified sum.
Amends: Land Registration Rules, 1972. (1972-10-02)


This Order amends the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990 in provisions regarding applications made to local planning authorities for listed building consent or conservation area consent and requires certificates issued under regulation 6 to be in the form…


These Regulations establish and introduce an action programme for the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources that is applicable to all farmers across Northern Ireland. The Regulations, among other things: impose certain obligations on controllers or…


These Regulations implement provisions of the Land Planning and Development (Guernsey) Law, 2005 in relation with appeals to the Planning Tribunal or to an adjudicator. They make provision in relation to procedural requirements for appeals: (a) against planning decisions and the failure to take…