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The Act concerns the registration of stop-orders, i.e. any written undertaking entered into by a farmer in which he or she: (a) purports to give any person, as security for debt, any right in or over his growing or future crops, or the proceeds thereof; or (b) authorizes any person to pay to a…


The Act provides that all deeds, conveyances, wills and instruments in writing whereby any land or interest in or affecting land other than land registered in accordance with the Registered Land Act, may be affected shall subject to compulsory registration in the Deeds Registry Office. The…


This Order, made under section 31 of the Land Act, provides that on the land described in the First Schedule no control person shall, without the prior consent of the Minister or his or her authorized representative: (a) make any new garden; (b) plant any tree or shrub; (c) erect any building of…


This Order, made under section 31 of the Land Act, provides that on the land described in the First Schedule no control person shall, without the prior consent of the Minister or his or her authorized representative: (a) make any new garden; (b) plant any tree or shrub; (c) erect any building of…


This Order, made under section 41 of the Land Act, delegates powers assigned to the Minister under that Act to the Commissioner for Lands. The Commissioner for Lands shall administer the Land Act and shall have specified powers in respect of, among other things: grants, lease or other…


This Order of the Minister, made pursuant to section 41 of the Land Act, delegates to the Secretary for Agriculture and Natural Resources the exercise and performance of all the powers, functions and duties conferred upon the Minister by section 40 of that Act. Section 40 provides that, in any…


This Order, made under section 31 of the Land Act, provides that on the land described in the First Schedule no control person shall, without the prior consent of the Minister (in Form II set out in the Second Schedule): (a) enter into occupation of any plot or property; (b) erect a cottage or a…


This Order of the Minister, made pursuant to section 41 of the Land Act, delegates to and authorizes, subject to his or her special and general directions, the Project Manager, the Chief Settlement Officer, the Settlement Officer or the Assistant Settlement Officer to sign and issue Settlers…


These Regulations set out, in the First Schedule, the form of any claim pursuant to sections 6 and 8 of the Adjudication of Title Act and the form of an Adjudication Record (in the Second Schedule). They also specify, in the Third Schedule, fees for purposes of the Act and grant the power to the…


This Notice of the Minister, made under the section 6 of Registered Land Act appoints the Commissioner for Lands to be Chief Land Registrar for the purposes of that Act.
Implements: Registered Land Act (Cap. 58:01). (1981)


These Rules implement provisions of the Registered Land Act by, among other things: prescribing forms for purposes of the Act; providing with respect to verification of instruments for purposes of section 105 of the Act by persons specified in the Fifth Schedule other than the Registrar;…


This Order, made under section 4 of the Special Crops Act, establishes the Smallholder Sugar Authority for purposes of promoting and fostering the development of sugar-cane grown by smallholders on lands held under a sublease from the Dwangwa Sugar Corporation Limited to the Authority. “…