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International Conventions or Treaties

La Conférence Internationale sur la Région des Grands Lacs (CIRGL) a été organisée suite aux nombreux conflits politiques qui ont marqué la Région des Grands Lacs. La CIRGL comprend onze Etats membres. Le Pacte sur la Paix, la Sécurité, la Stabilité et le Développement dans la Région des Grands…


This Order of the Water Resources Management Authority declares the Lake Naivasha Catchment Area to be a protected area for the purposes of the Water Act and provides that the Lake Naivasha Catchment Area Water Allocation Plan shall be the basis for allocation of water in the Lake Naivasha…


This Act amends the Land Acquisition Act in sections 14 and 18 in relation to the power of an authorised officer to make interim payment of compensation to an interested person pending an award of the Board of Assessment and deduction of the amount of interim payment from the award by the Board…


These Regulations, made under section 21 of the Cadastral Survey Act 2011, apply the Cadastral Survey (Land Surveys) Regulations 2013, except Regulation 5(6)(c) to (g) and (7), to the Island of Rodrigues. Those provisions concern method of survey and marking of boundaries.


These Regulations implement provisions of the Cadastral Survey Act 2011. They, among other things: empower the Chief Surveyor to, in accordance with the Act, issue Guidelines, Directions and Notices to land surveyors, to regulate the practice of land surveyors and to set standards for land…


These Regulations amend the Land (Duties and Taxes) Act in the Eighth Schedule which lists deeds of transfer that are exempted pursuant to section 45A(3)) from payment of duty or tax under Part II, Part III and Part IVA of the Act for transfer of an immovable property.
Amends: Land (Duties…


This Act seeks to accelerate the growth and development of agriculture, enhance productivity and incomes of farmers and the rural population, improve investment climate and efficiency of agribusiness and develop agricultural crops as export crops. For purposes of promoting of the production,…


This Act concerns an affidavit witnessing the acquisition by prescription of immovable property. The Act, among other things: sets out conditions for transcription of affidavit; provides with respect to an application for the transcription of an affidavit of prescription; requires the…


This Act amends the Sugar Industry Efficiency Act 2001 in various sections so as to, among other things, to: (a) extend incentives presently applicable; (b) extend the definition of “métayer” to include a person who, at the commencement of this Act, has been cultivating cane on land leased from…


These Regulations amend the Land Surveyors (Diplomas) Regulations 2011 in the Schedule by inserting, in the appropriate alphabetical order, a new item. The Schedule lists, for the purposes of section 5(1)(b)(ii) of the Land Surveyors Act, the the appropriate qualifications.
Amends: Land…


These Regulations amend the Land (Duties and Taxes) Act in the Eighth Schedule which lists deeds of transfer that are exempted pursuant to section 45A(3)) from payment of duty or tax under Part II, Part III and Part VIA of the Act for transfer of an immovable property.
Amends: Land (Duties…


This Act amends the Administration of Estates Act in sections 40 and 41 by substituting "one million leones" for the words "fifty pounds" wherever they occur in those sections. Those sections concern the administration of small estates
Amends: Administration of Estates…