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Reports & Research
Novembre 2023

2023 - Systèmes alimentaires résilients en Afrique de l'Ouest - Contribution du PAM à la transformation des systèmes alimentaires en Afrique de l'Ouest
Ce document montre comment la structure globale du PAM pour la transformation des systèmes alimentaires est adaptée au contexte…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre 2019

Land degradation exacerbates the unique vulnerabilities of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to environmental challenges, such as climate change, flash floods, soil erosion, lagoon siltation, coastal erosion and sea level rise, undermining their economic potential. Land Degradation…

Journal Articles & Books
Février 2019

The AQUASTAT Programme was initiated with a view to presenting a comprehensive picture of water resources and irrigation in developing countries and providing systematic, upto-date and reliable information on water for agriculture and rural development. This report presents the results of the…

Reports & Research
Décembre 2018

This policy paper focuses on the environmental challenges of sustainable development issues with particular attention to natural resource management, environment and climate change in the food and agriculture sector (including crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry). FAO’s agriculture,…

Octobre 2017

This Resolution, consisting of 82 articles divided into seven Chapters and 16 Annexes, ratifies the Tourist Planning Plan (POT) of the Tourist Zone of Salamansa (ZTS), within the island of São Vicente. It includes reports of the Plan for urban areas, as well as environmental and landscape domain…

Journal Articles & Books
Septembre 2017

O artigo apresenta uma pesquisa sobre o Parque Natural do Fogo, na ilha do Fogo, em Cabo Verde, tendo como foco as sociocosmologias caldeirenses. A pesquisa etnográfica foi realizada em Chã das Caldeiras, na qual explorei alguns contextos cosmopolitas onde o cosmos e a política não estão…

Septembre 2017

This Decree-Law, redefines the Southern Integral Tourism Development Zone (ZDTI) of "Baia das Gatas" within the island of São Vicente. It establishes new configuration of the above mentioned zone, taking into account that the previous amendment did not take into account the people…

Septembre 2017

This Decree-Law establishes the third amendment to Decree-Law No. 37/2014 of 23 July, amended by Decree-Law No. 44/2016 of 6 September, and by Decree-Law No. 52/2015 of 24 September. Amendments deal with the following specific requirements: Exemption from the payment of registration fees; Owners…

Reports & Research
Août 2017

Na sequência do Segundo Fórum para a Agricultura Familiar e Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional na Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (FAFSAN II–setembro de 2016), onde a sociedade civil propôs um Pacto Multi-atores para a Governança Sustentável da Terra na Comunidade dos Países de Língua…

Août 2017

This Decree-Law regulates land integrated in Special Tourist Zones subject of contracts signed by municipalities with private individuals and alteration of the exceptional regime of transmission for the ownership of the municipalities of lands of the private domain of the State, approved by…

Manuals & Guidelines
Mai 2017

Diretrizes de Apoio e Promoção da Agricultura Familiar nos Estados membros da CPLP aprovadas na II Reunião extraordinária do Conselho Regional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional da CPLP (CONSAN-CPLP)

Manuals & Guidelines
Janvier 2017

O kit pedagógico “Governação comunitária de florestas para crianças” destina-se a todos os compartes, profissionais, investigadores, professores e educadores envolvidos com as florestas comunitárias e que queiram abordar a governação comunitária de recursos naturais e a educação para a cidadania…