These Rules amend the Land Disputes Tribunals (Forms and Procedure) Rules, 1993 by deleting the Second Schedule and substituting a new Schedule which lists fees for purposes of the Land Disputes Tribunal Act, 1990.
Amends: Land Disputes Tribunals (Forms and Procedure) Rules, 1993 (Cap.…
The Act provides for the creation of the Kenya Ports Authority which may administer ports and establish and operate port services. The Act also provides for acquisition of land for the purposes of the Authority. The Minister may make, subject to other legislation, Regulations for the…
These Regulations the licensing of exploration operations in accordance with the National Museums and Heritage Act, 2006 and provides rules for such exploration. The Regulations provide, among other things, that licensee shall not enter into any land, execute any works or destroy or interfere…
These Rules concern access and activities in all open spaces, protected areas, national monuments, protected buildings and areas of cultural, natural or national heritage declared as such by the Minister for the purposes of the Act. They prohibit the picking of fruit, damaging of trees,…
This Order declares the areas, places or premises described in the Schedule to be protected areas for purposes of the Protected Areas Act and stipulates that no person shall be in those areas without permission of the prescribed authority or the Cabinet Secretary for Defence.
This Act constitutes the Commission in accordance with the Constitution and provides for its structure, operations, administration, functions and powers. In addition to the functions set out in Article 234 of the Constitution, the Commission shall: (a) formulate policies necessary for the…
These Rules amend the Registration of Titles Act in the Second Schedule, which lists fees for deeds and services relating to titles in land.
Implements: Registration of Titles Act (Cap. 281). (2006)
Amends: Registration of Titles Act (Cap. 281). (2006)
These Rules amend the Government Lands (Approvals) Rules in relation to fees for the approval given by the Commissioner of Lands in respect of subdivisions of land and prescribe certain conditions for the subdivision of land for building purposes.
Implements: Government Lands Act (Cap. 280…
These Rules amend the Lands (Consents) (Fees) Rules in rule 2 which specifies fees to be charged for any consents applied for and given by the Commissioner of Lands.
Amends: Government Lands (Consents) (Fees) Rules (Cap. 280). (2012-12-31)
These Regulations amend the principal Regulations by modifying fees for an application for consent to a controlled transaction and an appeal to the Central Land Control Appeals Board.
Amends: Land Control Regulations (Cap. 302). (2012-12-23)
These Rules amend the Government Lands (Fees) Rules, 1994 in relation with fees for various official acts done under the Government Lands Act. The fees shall be levied under Part X of the Act.
Amends: Government Lands (Fees) Rules, 1994 (Cap. 280). (2012-12-31)
This Act provides for the establishment of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority, the administration of matters of agriculture and the preservation, utilization and development of agricultural land and related matters."Agriculture" in this Act means cultivation of land and the…