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Displaying 2593 - 2604 of 2639

The Act includes income provides for taxation of income from the use or occupation of property

The Act provides for protection of certain tenants from arbitrary eviction and exploitation

The Act makes provisions to regulate distress for rent

The Act provides for imposition of rates on lands and buildings

The Act makes provisions for intestate and testamentary succession and administration of estates of deceased persons

one-stop repository of climate change information in Kenya

Provides Guidelines to be followed in carrying out evictions in order to abide by the Constitution and international human rights law

Decision on a reference to the Supreme Court to clarify mandates of the Ministry of Lands and the National Land Commission

Report details illegal and irregular acquisitions of public land

The policy aims to improve access to housing, basic services and infrastructure for the poor especially in urban areas

Policy provides a framework for a coordinated, coherent and effective response to the challenges of climate change

The Paper makes recommendations for realizing the promise of the Constitution and the National Land Policy to redress historical land injustices