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Juillet 2012

Regulamento sobre o processo de reassentamento resultante de actividade económica de Moçambique (Decreto N. 31/2012)

Peer-reviewed publication
Juin 2012

Historically, the people of Mozambique have faced oppression and social spatial segregation and responded in a way that has reinforced rather than dismantled their traditional values. Since pre-colonial times, the population’s strategy for escaping from environmental and foreign political…

Reports & Research
Juin 2012

A terra volta a ser tema de debate em Moçambique, cinco anos após a aprovação de uma lei de terras na sequência de uma ampla consulta, naquele que foi um dos processos mais democráticos vividos no país nos anos 1990. A lei grangeou elogios por proteger os direitos dos camponeses e por criar, ao…

Reports & Research
Juin 2012

An article and radio talk replete with photos concerning a story of land grabbing in the village of Ruasse, Zambezia, northern Mozambique by a Portuguese company, Quifel. By law, companies are supposed to negotiate with communities, but no company seems to be taking the law seriously. The case…

Reports & Research
Juin 2012

A community land titling initiative designed to protect community lands from land grabbing. Supported communities in Liberia, Mozambique and Uganda to follow their countries’ community land registration laws. Sought to understand what type and level of support was most effective. Concludes that…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Juin 2012

Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) is defined as agricultural practices that sustainably increase productivity and system resilience while reducing greenhouse gas emissions1. CSA helps ensure that climate change adaptation and mitigation are directly incorporated into agricultural development…

Juin 2012

This paper considers the potential implications of the Doha Development Agenda, as well as other trade liberalization scenarios, for Mozambique. An applied general equilibrium model, which accounts for high marketing margins and home consumption in the Mozambique economy, is linked to results…

Juin 2012

This assessment, reflecting
poverty's many dimensions in Mozambique, combines
multiple disciplines and diagnostic tools to explore
poverty. It combines quantitative and qualitative approaches
to understand trends in…

Juin 2012

Policies to promote adaptation climate
risks often rely on the willing cooperation of the intended
beneficiaries. If these beneficiaries disagree with policy
makers and programme managers about the need for adaptation,