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Reports & Research
Décembre 2008

This reports summarizes and synthesizes activities and achievements of the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) through the end of 2007. The CPWF is an intiative of the CGIAR designed to take on the global challenge of water scarcity and food security. It is an international, multi-…

Reports & Research
Décembre 2008

The CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) brings together scientists, development
specialists, and communities, in nine river basins across Africa, Asia and Latin America, to address
challenges of water scarcity, food security and poverty.
Some CPWF projects seek to…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre 2007

Although several institutional and management approaches that address the degradation of the rangelands have been tested in the dry areas of Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA), impact has been limited. Nonetheless, the development of National Action Plans to combat desertification…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre 2007
Reports & Research
Décembre 2007

The CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) is a multi-institutional research for development program
that seeks to create and disseminate international public goods to improve the productivity of water in river basins in
ways that are pro-poor, gender equitable and…

Conference Papers & Reports
Novembre 2006

Farmer-herder conflicts are enduring features of social life in the Sudano-Sahelian zone.
A survey was carried out between August and December 2004 in four sites in Niger,
namely Bokki, Katanga, Sabon Gida and Tountoubé to determine the proximate and
long-term causes of…

Reports & Research
Juin 2006

At this point – just under half way (two years and six months) in the implementation of the first CPWF phase (and three years and eight months since inception began) governance and management processes are running smoothly, it is in reasonable financial health and technical processes – such as…

Reports & Research
Juin 2006

This introductory section covers the period since the submission of the last Mid-Term
Plan until present, and concentrates on the following areas:
> Principal areas of progress.
> Developments in 2005 and early 2006.
> Changes to the CPMT strategic…