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Peer-reviewed publication
Mai 2023

The severity of the population dislocation and destruction of housing, land and property (HLP) in the Ukraine war has driven efforts for starting reconstruction planning prior to the war's end. This comes with the realization that re-covery will entail considerable preparation, including ef…

Journal Articles & Books
Mai 2023

Ukraine is poised to transform the process of housing, land and property (HLP)
restitution and compensation after wars. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has displaced
more than 13.5 million people (UNHCR 2023) and created massive destruction and
damage to the country’s HLP.…

Journal Articles & Books
Février 2023

With over 14 million people now displaced from their housing, land, and property (HLP) in Ukraine there is considerable concern about the reconstruction and restitution process. This is particularly significant in Ukraine given that destruction of HLP appears a purposeful effort on the part of…

Reports & Research
Janvier 2023

<em>War and Theft: The Takeover of Ukraine’s Agricultural Land</em>, exposes the financial interests and the dynamics at play leading to further concentration of land and finance.
The total amount of land controlled by oligarchs, corrupt individuals, and large agribusinesses is…

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre 2022

In addition to climate change, the current war in Ukraine has highlighted the urgency of a rapid transformation to post-fossility. This paper analyses the much-lamented negative climate policy and energy transition impacts of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) in international law, a treaty that…

Décembre 2022

When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, sparking fears of a global food crisis, IFPRI responded rapidly to the need for information and policy advice to address the crisis. From the first moments of the conflict, a new IFPRI blog series provided critical information and insights into the…

Peer-reviewed publication
Mars 2021

Background: The urban-rural land divide is visible through where people choose to work. This article aims to detect how, where and why people use rural coworking spaces instead of or in addition to working in urban areas. Methods: The research relied on both documented evidence and a structured…

Peer-reviewed publication
Mars 2021

There is a lack of understanding of the main drivers that form the picture of biological communities of transitional waters in deltaic ecosystems under the influence of terrestrial sources. Analysis of hydrochemical parameters in relation to phytoplankton communities in the Ukrainian part of the…

Peer-reviewed publication
Février 2021

Despite the popularity of agricultural land markets as a research topic, a current literature review on price drivers on agricultural land rental markets is missing, which is crucial in order to gain an overview of the status quo. Furthermore, farmers’ perceptions of price drivers on…

Peer-reviewed publication
Février 2021

The German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) has been deemed successful in promoting German biogas production. However, the German state-level biogas production development (BPD) under the EEG has not been systematically studied and compared. This research aimed to study the German state-level…

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre 2020

Modern agricultural landscapes produce multiple ecosystem services. Ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes have social, economic, and environmental value—providing a wide array of benefits to society. Absence of scientifically based and practically tested methodologies of identification,…

Peer-reviewed publication
Août 2020

As central policies for biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes in the European Union (EU), the Habitats Directive and Agri-environmental programmes (AEP) have largely failed to halt biodiversity loss. In response, the German federal state of Saxony combined the instrument of…