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Reports & Research
Avril 2017

Ukraine has tremendous potential that has not yet been reached. Ukraine is endowed with intelligent, energetic, and entrepreneurial people; extraordinary fertile land; considerable natural resources; and a geographic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. There is no reason why Ukraine,…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Avril 2017

Ukraine has tremendous potential that has not yet been reached. Ukraine is endowed with intelligent, energetic, and entrepreneurial people; extraordinary fertile land; considerable natural resources; and a geographic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. There is no reason why Ukraine,…

Peer-reviewed publication
Février 2017

Planning of land use by land - is an integral part of the management of land use, which provides a mechanism by which decisions are coordinated among various local, regional and national authorities, and helps implement social responsibilities of public authorities in the use and protection of…

Peer-reviewed publication
Février 2017

The organization of land use in different countries is characterized by a variety of land system types, those proved their effectiveness in certain countries, but not are necessarily as effective in others. The objective factors that led to the emergence of various models of the land system,…

Peer-reviewed publication
Février 2017

Territorial planning now is one of the essential attributes of management activities developed countries. The modern system of planning land- use in Ukraine now is not formed and balanced and does not provide positive results in achieving its high economic efficiency and environmental safety.…

Peer-reviewed publication
Février 2017

In the article the understanding of ecological and economic instruments for biodiversity conservation as a system of market, legal and regulatory, institutional arrangements and policies for sustainable development of land use.
In terms of European integration, which is the basis of…

Peer-reviewed publication
Février 2017

Approaches to the normative monetary evaluation of agricultural lands, adopted by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 23, 1995 No. 213, did not allow to accomplish objective actualization of the indicators, as they did not take into account changes in the economy…

Peer-reviewed publication
Février 2017

The management and evaluation of defense land was revealed in the article. Specific institution is the military institutе in the institutional framework for defense land. A special regime and zoning, evaluation, payment and exclusion conditions were established for these lands.
The market…

Peer-reviewed publication
Février 2017

In the paper all the main positive and negative factors in particular the rational use and protection of land are analyzed. The system of common environmental criteria optimization of land use in terms of radiation contamination is presented. The order and sequence of application of common…

Peer-reviewed publication
Février 2017

Scientific publications, legislation on spatial planning in Ukraine and spatial planning in Austria are analysed.
Ukrainian spatial planning system is divided into urban planning and land management planning.Urban development field belongs lion's share of planning tools, while in…

Peer-reviewed publication
Février 2017

InUkraine, as in many other countries, developing land degradation is a serious problem. So, despite the fact that the scale of the problem indicated in the Strategy of Environmental Policy of Ukraine (2011), analysis of economic losses from land degradation to the national economy throughout…

Peer-reviewed publication
Février 2017

In article deals with problem of using the urban land, including land under the industrial objects in Kiev. Also was analysed the ways of optimization the urban land using.
Today become particularly acute the problem for efficient use of urban land use, including land for industrial…