In the last decade, the increased interest in bioenergy production has led to the need for improved crop residue management. Crop residues have historically been used for many other purposes: to sustain healthy soils for food production, as feed and bedding for livestock, and as raw material for…
Meeting symbol/code: CGRFA/TTLE-ABS-1/14/Inf.2
Session: Sess.1
The Mozambique land law provides statutory recognition of customary land rights and is considered one of the most progressive legislations in Africa. However, the law continues to face implementation challenges, including the realization of equal rights for women and institutional reform. Simply…
En el marco de la gobernanza moderna, la transparencia significa reconocer la responsabilidad de proporcionar informaciones. El sistema de las Naciones Unidas, como un servicio público mundial, tiene que dar el ejemplo al suministrar información a sus Estados Miembros, órganos rectores,…
There is growing evidence that investing in developing countries’ agricultural sector is among the most efficient ways to reduce poverty and hunger. Agricultural investments can generate a wide range of developmental benefits, but these benefits cannot be expected to arise automatically and some…
The central theme of this edition of Nature & Faune journal is “Enhancing gender equality in the management of Africa's natural resources”. It reviews the situation including achievements and challenges related to adequacy, equity and equality in the roles the two genders play in…
Keeping its tradition of exploring major emerging issues, Nature & Faune has chosen to dedicate this edition to looking at the implications of rapid urbanization and its implications for urban food and nutrition security, focusing on the specific roles of sustainable management and…
Le thème central de ce numéro de Nature & Faune est : « Améliorer la parité hommes-femmes dans la gestion des ressources naturelles de l’Afrique ». Il passe en revue la situation, y compris les réalisations et les défis en rapport avec la pertinence, l’équité, et l’égalité dans les rôles…
Asks how have rural women become important actors in accessing land and shaping non-permanent mobile livelihoods in the context of the fast track land reform programme. Data is based on an ethnographic study at Merrivale farm, Tavaka village, from 2009-12. Shows that women have become major…