Methodical Instruction No. MU-4266-87 regarding assessment of degree of hazardousness of soil pollution by chemicals.
МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ УКАЗАНИЯ ПО ОЦЕНКЕ СТЕПЕНИ ОПАСНОСТИ ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЯ ПОЧВЫ ХИМИЧЕСКИМИ ВЕЩЕСТВАМИ. МУ 4266-87 Утверждено заместителем Главного государственного санитарного врача СССР от 13 марта 1987 г. № 4266-87.
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This Methodical Instruction is destined for hygienic institutions and has as its purpose assessment of soil pollution with a view of data collection related to the degree of soil pollution and prognosis of its impact upon quality of foodstuffs of plant origin. Assessment methods shall be applicable to agricultural land and the basic method shall be translocation assessment of hazardousness indices due to the presence of concentrated hazardous substance in soil. Methodical Instruction contains arithmetic formulas for calculation of hazardous substances in soil.