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Showing items 1432 through 1440 of 73627.La presente Ley contiene el Código Rural, el cual comprende el conjunto de disposiciones que reglamentan, limitan y aclaran los principios a aplicar en el ámbito de los intereses rurales. El Libro Primero (arts.
This Act concerns permission of the Minister to any residents to build a wharf or abutment, from the private land of such person or persons which may abut on to the port or harbour of the district in which the application is made, into such port or harbour.
This Act concerns the right to construct abutments in the Harbour of Nassau and inspection of the Director of Public Works upon completion of such works. The Act also concerns rights of way in relation with abutments, public abutments, rights of ownership and restrictions on construction.
This Act defines full rights and powers of an actual tenant in tail, whether in possession, remainder, contingency or otherwise, to dispose of for an estate in fee simple, absolute, or for any less estate, the lands of which he or she is tenant in tail.
This Act makes provision with respect to development and spatial planning declared planning areas. It sets out powers of the Minister and provides for the transfer of powers from the Town and Country Planning Board to the Minister.
This Act sets out the legislative framework related to mountain territories ands their management. In particular, the Act deals with subsidies to be granted for the improvement of such territories, particularly as regards the management of sylvopastoral resources.
This Provincial Act lays down provisions governing the management and use of public lands pertaining to the Regole of Spinale and Manez within the territory of Trento. Such lands may not be transferred, unless a special authorization is issued by the Provincial Executive for public reasons (art.
Le présent décret porte réglementation relative aux plans d'urbanisme, aux lotissement et aux permis de construire.
La présente loi définit les modalités d'établissement et d'exécution des divers projets d'urbanisme et d'aménagement, à savoir: projet directeur d’urbanisme; projet d’aménagement complet ou partiel; projet d’aménagement sommaire et projet spécial d’aménagement intéressant la protection ou la cons
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