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News & Events / Le rapport annuel 2022 du Land Portal met en lumière l'amélioration de l'accès à l'information foncière

Le rapport annuel 2022 du Land Portal met en lumière l'amélioration de l'accès à l'information foncière

05 Avril 2023
Land Portal Annual Report 2022
Land Portal Annual Report 2022

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LandLibrary Resource

Land Portal Annual Report 2022

Reports & Research
Février, 2023

The Land Portal Foundation's 2022 Annual Report highlights the critical role of accessible land information and data in securing land rights and promoting social justice. The report highlights the growing recognition of the linkages between land tenure, climate change, food security, urban development and land degradation. The Foundation's co-launch of the Land Module Indicator with the Global Data Barometer in May was an important step toward creating a more open and democratic information ecosystem globally.

LandLibrary Resource

Land Portal Annual Report 2022

Reports & Research
Février, 2023

The Land Portal Foundation's 2022 Annual Report highlights the critical role of accessible land information and data in securing land rights and promoting social justice. The report highlights the growing recognition of the linkages between land tenure, climate change, food security, urban development and land degradation. The Foundation's co-launch of the Land Module Indicator with the Global Data Barometer in May was an important step toward creating a more open and democratic information ecosystem globally.

LandLibrary Resource

Land Portal Annual Report 2022

Reports & Research
Février, 2023

The Land Portal Foundation's 2022 Annual Report highlights the critical role of accessible land information and data in securing land rights and promoting social justice. The report highlights the growing recognition of the linkages between land tenure, climate change, food security, urban development and land degradation. The Foundation's co-launch of the Land Module Indicator with the Global Data Barometer in May was an important step toward creating a more open and democratic information ecosystem globally.

LandLibrary Resource

Land Portal Annual Report 2022

Reports & Research
Février, 2023

The Land Portal Foundation's 2022 Annual Report highlights the critical role of accessible land information and data in securing land rights and promoting social justice. The report highlights the growing recognition of the linkages between land tenure, climate change, food security, urban development and land degradation. The Foundation's co-launch of the Land Module Indicator with the Global Data Barometer in May was an important step toward creating a more open and democratic information ecosystem globally.

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