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Community Organizations Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
International or regional financial institution


The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)  pursuseds national interests and project the UK as a force for good in the world. We promote the interests of British citizens, safeguard the UK’s security, defend our values, reduce poverty and tackle global challenges with our international partners.



Displaying 191 - 195 of 228

F.a: Tanzania Country Programme


The pressure to exploit natural resources, especially forests, is strong in Tanzania. Population growth, growing demand for food, energy and other commodities, as well as illegal logging have negative environmental and social impacts, especially if land-use planning and general governance for the fair and sustainable use of natural resources are weak. The aim of the programme is to restore forests and to expand and develop village forest activities in a climate-sustainable way, through which rural villages earn their livelihood by selling valuables from responsibly managed village forests, as well as other forest products in the East Usambara region. The East Usambara Mountains are a major freshwater catchment area in Tanzania and part of the globally recognized Eastern Arc Mountains biodiversity hotspot. Beneficiaries: Civil society operating in the natural resource sector in Tanzania and the project region, village forest management communities and authorities. Implemented by: WWF Tanzania Partners: Mpingo Conservation & Development Initiative (MDCI), Mtandao wa Jamii wa Usimamizi wa Misitu Tanzania (MJUMITA), Friends of Usambara Society Changamoto Youth Development Organization,

F.a: Child Sensitive Social Protection in Somaliland


CSSP project will build on progress and learning from the 2017-2021 Child Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP) pilot and seeks to establish and strengthen CSSP systems in Somaliland to contribute to improved and inclusive human capital development for children, with and without disabilities. The project will continue to target Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Hargeisa and expand to non-IDP households in Berbera. Project will enable the most vulnerable children and their families to access a child benefit, complemented with strengthened child and gender sensitivity of the grant through cash plus approaches. The cash plus interventions focus on enhancing behaviour change for parents and caregivers to support achievement of responsive caregiving leading to improved nutrition, education, and overall well-being of children through a CSSP parenting package. In addition, a life skills package will be rolled out with children. The project will continue to work with the Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Family (MESAF) in implementation of the child benefit, while simultaneously helping to strengthen the government?s capacity to be able to finance and lead it, in line with the new social protection policy that is currently under development. government led child sensitive social protection schemes. SC will work with local partner, Horn of Africa Voluntary Youth Committees, the central government, local municipalities of Berbera and Hargeisa, and other partners in establishing transparency and accountability mechanisms (community score cards, public hearings, grievance redressal mechanisms) to help the Child benefit beneficiary families access basic services such as health & nutrition, education, and WASH. This will also form the basis for project?s advocacy efforts with actors, including newly elected local councillors/municipalities to lobby for IDPs? land ownership, availability of public services to children and increased government and international investment in CSSP.

F.a: Promoting Land Rights and Access to Justice Albertine Region in Uganda


Buliisa Initiative for Rural Development Organization (BIRUDO) was founded in 2006 and is registered as a local NGO in Uganda. The organisation?s office is in Buliisa, north-western Uganda. BIRUDO?s mission is to improve the livelihoods of the local communities and the focus areas of the organisation are education, health, environment, natural resources and extractive industry governance, livelihood, income and food security. BIRUDO engages with communities affected by development projects through a variety of means, including ?know your rights? workshops and other initiatives to increase legal literacy; support for community-based paralegals; and trainings on the use of the Right to Information laws and advocacy. BIRUDO supports access to justice for affected communities by supporting them in mediations, hiring lawyers to represent them in court, and linking them with global networks to help file complaints with international development banks. BIRUDO works closely with affected communities to advocate for land rights and adequate compensation when their land is taken for development projects. BIRUDO builds relationships between communities facing development-related human rights concerns and other groups in BIRUDO?s networks. They exchange strategic information and resources, strengthen capacities, and engage in collective action that enables us to defend human rights and promote community-led priority-setting and decision-making. Overall Project Goal: To contribute to promotion of land and properties rights and access to justice in Albertine Region in Uganda by 2024. Specific Project Objectives:Objective 1: To increase land laws, policies, procedures, oil-related policies, national climate change policy and Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) principles awareness in Albertine Region in Uganda by 2024. Objective 2: To reduce land rights violation cases and human rights abuses in Albertine Region in Uganda by 2024.

F.a: Power to the people: Empowering poor communities in Garissa on land rights in the context of LAPSSET proj


Haki na Sheria Initiative was initially established in 2010 and registered as community based organisation 2012. The organisation?s capacity grew as it started handling matters like citizenship at the national level. This change necessitated the change in status and the organization got registered with the NGO Coordination Board as a national NGO in 2017. Haki na Sheria Initiative exists to empower marginalized communities to understand, respect, promote, demand and effectively claim their human rights and obligations in pursuit of an equitable society. HSI?s is committed to the vision of a Kenya where all marginalized communities live dignified lives free of human rights violations. In HSI?s view, change requires a local catalyst. The change can only be built by civic engagement of the local communities through public education and raising awareness about human rights, seeking accountability at all levels of the government through local communities? engagement and filing public interest litigation cases and through engaging with strategic networks and movement building to a society that is free from human rights violations. Overall objectives: Improved awareness for 600 poor and marginalised pastoralist on community land rights; Register Sarirah community land with national land commission in Garissa County by the end of 24 months.

F.a: Local Alternative Dispute Resolution Project (LADR)


1. Project: 12269 (Local Alternative Dispute Resolution Project (LADR)) 2. Project area and Country: Kampong Speu, Pursat and Kampong Chhnang provinces in Cambodia. 3. Project justification: The current situation of land dispute in Cambodia is very critical. Many factors have caused the disputes, including conflict setting, land history and political condition. Accessing land titles is still a constraint for many people in rural areas. Although most community members process land, issuing land titles is complicated as the issue of land titles takes time and money. The vulnerable people in the communities often have no land titles, resulting in land conflicts with their neighbors and newcomers as the land of the poor people is an easy target for powerful people and private companies. When land conflict cases have been brought to the provincial court, the ruling is often against the poor people due to corruption in the institution. Right-holders are poor and the majority of community people are illiterate, they do not understand the process to obtain land possessions. They lack information on land law, land registration and family law from relevant local authorities. The duty-bearers have limited knowledge and skills on Alternative Disputes Resolution (ADR), meaning they have to send all land conflicts to district and provincial courts for decision-making that cost much money to spend for the right-holders. 4. The main objective and the expected results: The project aims to have peace and harmonization in the five districts of Pursat, Kampong Chhnang and Kampong Speu provinces through local dispute cases solved successfully and peacefully by Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) institutional structure. To achieve the goal, the project commits to see the change of ADR institutional structure's capacity and network from national to local levels; and also the provision of ADR to community members by duty bearers. 5. Right-holders/beneficiaries: 4,330 persons (2,120 females), including 346 children (138 girls), 218 youths (102 females) and 20 People With Disability (6 females). Duty bearers: Village Leaders, Village Development Committee (VDC), Commune Dispute Resolution Committees, Commune Councils, Commune Committee for Women and Children (CCWC) Officials in District Cadastral Commissions (DCCs) 6. Implementing partner: Life With Dignity (LWD) 7. Budget 2022: EUR 92,000