Institute of Policy Analysis and Research | Land Portal

The Institute of Policy Analysis and Research-Rwanda is a registered independent, not-for-profit research and policy analysis Think Tank in Rwanda. It became fully functional in 2008 with the support of African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF ) and International Development Research Center (IDRC) with initial start up support from the Government of Rwanda.


“To become an internationally recognized Centre on Policy Research on Rwanda”


To Enhance evidence based policy making and promote dialogue and a culture of debate on policy issues in Rwanda through conducting Timely, Relevant High quality Public Policy Analysis and Research.

•To be recognized internationally as the leading centre for carrying out public policy research on Rwanda in economic transformation, rural development, social welfare and social order and citizen engagement;

•To be recognized for carrying out research and policy analysis of the highest international standard in economic transformation rural development, social welfare and social order and citizen engagement;

•To be recognized for the outstanding contribution we make to informing evidenced informed policy in Rwanda and the region more broadly in economic transformation rural development, social welfare and social order and citizen engagement our four thematic areas.

Institute of Policy Analysis and Research Resources

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Library Resource
Documents de politique et mémoires
janvier, 2019
Afrique occidentale, Sénégal

Date: 2019

Source: Foncier & Développement, Inter-réseaux

Accès des femmes à la terre au Sénégal : quelques leçons tirées de l’étude « Promotion d’une gouvernance foncière inclusive par une amélioration des droits fonciers des femmes au Sénégal ».

Library Resource
Rapports et recherches
décembre, 2018
Afrique occidentale, Sénégal

Date: 2018

Source: IPAR

Ce rapport s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une étude réalisée par l’Initiative prospective agricole et rurale (IPAR) avec le soutien de la FAO. Les termes de référence de l’étude s’articulent autour des nouveaux mécanismes financiers liés au passage de la vulgarisation à l’appui conseil au Sénégal.

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