We seek a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live in dignity and security.
CARE follows a set of Programming Principles in our emergency, rehabilitation and long-term development work. CARE's principles are aligned with those of many other humanitarian agencies, and include:
- Promote empowerment
- Work in partnership with others ·
- Ensure accountability and promote responsibility
- Address discrimination
- Promote the non-violent resolution of conflicts
- Seek sustainable results
Displaying 1 - 5 of 17The Journey to a Better Tomorrow: Land, Climate Change and Gender Experience From the Field
Ardhi Yetu Programme (AYP Plus) is a national land rights advocacy programme that consolidates on-the-ground interventions, while integrating resilience and adaptation. AYP plus utilizes and builds upon the CSO capacity, national forums and joint advocacy platforms developed during the first phase of AYP, to support the overall objective that; active communities and civil society advocate for an inclusive and transparent land sector, strengthening the land tenure security and resilience of small-scale farming and pastoral communities particularly women.
Participatory rangeland management planning and its implementation in Ethiopia
The pastoral and agro-pastoral areas of Ethiopia cover around 65% of the country’s surface area. Rangeland resources are managed under collective common property arrangements, which are increasingly coming under pressure from both internal and external forces of change including alternative, but not necessarily ‘appropriate’, land uses.
Participatory rangeland management planning and its implementation in Ethiopia
The pastoral and agro-pastoral areas of Ethiopia cover around 65% of the country’s surface area. Rangeland resources are managed under collective common property arrangements, which are increasingly coming under pressure from both internal and external forces of change including alternative, but not necessarily ‘appropriate’, land uses.
Mapping Guidelines for Participatory Rangeland Management in Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral Areas
The purpose of these Mapping Guidelines is to support development practitioners (individuals and organizations) working in the rangelands and sub-humid grasslands of Ethiopia. Specifically, resource mapping can assist with investigating rangeland management systems, negotiating rangeland management plans, and implementing and monitoring progress in Participatory Rangeland Management (PRM). The Mapping Guidelines will provide rangeland management practitioners with a tool to help establish PRM within community, district, zone and regional rangeland management offices across Ethiopia.
PRACTITIONERS’ GUIDE Mapping Guidelines for Participatory Rangeland Management in Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral Areas
This Practitioners’ Guide provides the step-by-step instructions and checklists that will guide a mapping team through a mapping exercise.