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Community Organizations Directory of Open Access Journals
Directory of Open Access Journals
Directory of Open Access Journals


Lund University
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The Directory of Open Access Journals was launched in 2003 at Lund University, Sweden, with 300 open access journals and today contains ca. 10000 open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science and humanities.

DOAJ is a membership organisation and membership is available in 3 main categories: PublisherOrdinary Member and Sponsor. A DOAJ Membership is a clear statement of intent and proves a commitment to quality, peer-reviewed open access. DOAJ is co-author to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (Principles) and DOAJ members are expected to follow these principles as a condition of membership. DOAJ reserves the right to reject applications for membership, or revoke membership if a member or sponsor is found to contravene the Principles. Read more about membership here.

DOAJ is a community-curated list of open access journals and aims to be the starting point for all information searches for quality, peer reviewed open access material. To assist libraries and indexers keep their lists up-to-date, we make public a list of journals that have been accepted into or removed from DOAJ but we will not discuss specific details of an application with anyone apart from the applicant. Neither will we discuss individual publishers or applications with members of the public unless we believe that, by doing so, we will be making a positive contribution to the open access community.

DOAJ publishes Information for Publishers on this site to help Publishers adhere to the Principles and to assist them in completing an application. DOAJ also publishes a list of FAQs relevant to all members of the publishing community, particularly libraries and authors. All information on this site is available to both members and non-members.

Aims & Scope

The aim of the DOAJ is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals, thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. The DOAJ aims to be comprehensive and cover all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use a quality control system to guarantee the content. In short, the DOAJ aims to be the one-stop shop for users of open access journals.



Displaying 621 - 625 of 783

The effect of locations of central metro stations on real estate values. A case study of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Peer-reviewed publication
Juillet, 2012

Almost all of the most populated cities in the world have invested heavily on high capacity urban public transit systems. Apart from the direct economic benefits –travel time reduction, environmental benefits, some indirect benefits are the increase in real estate values (residential and commercial), improved accessibility and possible land use changes towards the development of an area. This study investigates the impact of the future central metro stations of Thessaloniki on real estate values.

Biorefineries: Relocating Biomass Refineries to the Rural Area

Peer-reviewed publication
Juillet, 2012

The field for application of biomass is rising. The demand for food and feeding stuff rises while at the same time energy, chemicals and other materials also need to be produced from biomass because of decreasing fossil resources. However, the biorefinery ideas and concepts can help to use the limited renewable raw materials more efficiently than today. With biorefineries, valuable products, such as platform chemicals, can be produced from agricultural feedstock, which can subsequently be further processed into a variety of substances by the chemical industry.

Spatial Resilience of Outdoor Domestic Space in Mozambique

Peer-reviewed publication
Juin, 2012

Historically, the people of Mozambique have faced oppression and social spatial segregation and responded in a way that has reinforced rather than dismantled their traditional values. Since pre-colonial times, the population’s strategy for escaping from environmental and foreign political disruption has been to reinvent tradition, based on the principles of resilience, resistance and self-reliance.

Prezzi di Offerta vs Prezzi di Mercato: un’analisi empirica

Peer-reviewed publication
Juin, 2012

Il problema della trasparenza del mercato immobiliare in Italia implica che molte analisi debbano essere fatte utilizzando i prezzi di offerta e che questi ultimi siano anche utilizzati dagli operatori del settore a fini estimativi. Nonostante l’importanza dei prezzi di offerta per l’interpretazione del mercato sia riconosciuta anche nella letteratura internazionale, si ritiene opportuno approfondire la loro relazione con i prezzi di transazione. A tal fine, in questo scritto si propone una metodologia di analisi che permetta di

Analisi dei cicli del mercato immobiliare: un applicazione sui dati italiani

Peer-reviewed publication
Juin, 2012

Utilizzando i dati italiani, sulla base dell'approccio teorico del ciclo "a nido d'ape" proposto da Janssen, Kruijt e Needham nel 1994, questo articolo propone un ulteriore contributo allo studio delle
dinamiche del mercato immobiliare italiano.
Utilizzando alcuni indicatori del mercato, si presentano i grafici del ciclo a nido d'ape per tutte le regioni e per le principali città. Tecniche di cluster analysis sono utilizzate per raggruppare le regioni che mostrano andamenti simili.