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Community Organizations FAO Legal Office
FAO Legal Office
FAO Legal Office


The FAO Legal Office provides in-house counsel in accordance with the Basic Texts of the Organization, gives legal advisory services to FAO members, assists in the formulation of treaties on food and agriculture, for which the Director-General acts as Depositary, publishes legal studies and maintains a database (FAOLEX) of national legislation and international agreements concerning food and agriculture (including fisheries, forestry and water).



Displaying 7396 - 7400 of 15550

Law No. 3613-VI “On state land cadastre”.


This Law establishes legal, economic and organizational grounds for the functioning of State land cadastre. It contains VII Sections divided into 41 Articles: (I) General provisions; (II) State bodies responsible for keeping state land cadastre; (III) Data contained in state land cadastre; (IV) Keeping state land cadastre; (V) Guarantees of reliability of data contained in state land cadastre, liability in the sphere of state land cadastre; (VI) Fees and charges for services rendered by state land cadastre; and (VII) Conclusive and transitional provisions.

Law No. 3159-VI “On standstill period for modification of purposeful use of urban recreational land”.

Europe orientale

The scope of this Law shall be to prevent mass modifications and construction of urban recreational land plots irrespectively of the form of ownership thereof (green belt, green areas, recreational areas) causing deterioration of sanitary and hygienic situation, recreational conditions and aesthetic education of the youth. Standstill period for the aforesaid modification of purposeful use of urban land shall be five years.

Law No. 3041-VI “On legal status of land pertaining to trunk pipeline protected zone”.

Europe orientale

This Law establishes organizational and legal grounds for establishment of and compliance with legal status of land pertaining to trunk pipeline protected zone with a view of ensuring continual operation and functioning thereof, rational land tenure, and ensuring environmental protection and environmental security.

Ley Nº 106 - Establece el impuesto a las transferencias de bienes inmuebles.

Amérique centrale

La presente Ley establece el impuesto del 2 por ciento sobre las transferencias a título oneroso de bienes inmuebles, sean estas mediante contrato de compraventa, permuta, dación en pago o cualesquiera otra convención que sirva para transferir el dominio de bienes inmuebles, y modifica el Artículo 701 del Código Fiscal.

Enmendado por: Ley Nº 132 - Crea la Microempresa de Responsabilidad Limitada y establece incentivos para la inclusión del sector informal en la economía formalizada. (2013-12-31)